IOS-Datenbank zu Wirtschafts- und Sozialmodellen - Population
Key indicators Population (EU15; EU12; WB6; CIS12|1995-2010, table) xls
Total population; Population growth; Child dependency ratio; Elderly dependency ratio; Population density; Immigrants; Emigrants.
Migration and remittances in the new EU-member states (EU10|2004-2008, Report) pdf
Migration and remittances in CIS countries (CIS12|2004-2008, Report) pdf
Foreign population and net migration rate (CIS12|1950-2019, table) xls
Crude birth rate (EU27; WB6; Turkey|1960-2010), table xls
Fertility rate (EU27; WB6; Turkey|1960-2010), table xls
Mortality rates (EU27; WB6|1995-2010), table, figure xls
Total population (EU27; WB6; Turkey|1960-2010), table xls
Population aged 65 and over (EU27; WB6; turkey |1960-2010), table xls
Healthy life years (EU27; WB6|2008-2010), table, figure xls
Life Expectancy (EU28; WB5; CIS12|1990-2011), table xlsx
Religious Affiliation (EU28; WB5; CIS12|2010), table xlsx