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Vladimir Kozlov, Ph.D.

Arbeitsbereich Ökonomie
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
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Vladimir Kozlov schloss sein Studium an der Staatlichen Lomonossow-Universität Moskau, Fakultät für Ökonomie, 2006 mit einem Bachelor und 2008 mit einem Master ab. Im Jahr 2011 promovierte er in Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Nach mehreren Jahren in der Privatwirtschaft wechselte Vladimir Kozlov zur National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE), Institut für Demografie, und wurde dort vom Dozenten zum Associate Professor und Senior Researcher ernannt. Im Jahr 2015 erhielt er eine Stelle als akademischer Leiter eines neuen Masterstudiengangs "Bevölkerung und Entwicklung" an der HSE. Vladimir Kozlov kooperierte zudem als Gastforscher eng mit den Forschungsgruppen der Freien Universität Berlin, der LMU München, der Universidad Carlos III de Madrid und der Frankfurt School of Finance & Management zusammen. In Moskau arbeitete Vladimir auch mit der Lomonossow-Universität und RANEPA zusammen. Er war als externer Berater für zeitlich begrenzte Projekte des UNFPA tätig. Seine Hauptforschungsinteressen sind Bevölkerungsstudien und wirtschaftliche Demografie, institutionelle Ökonomie und epidemiologische Studien.



Aufsätze in Zeitschriften

Tursun-zade, Rustam/Barchuk, Anton/Kozlov, Vladimir: Sex differences in lung cancer incidence and mortality in Russia in the light of computed tomography usage expansion: breakpoint and age-period-cohort analyses. In: Cancer Epidemiology, 93, December, 2024. (Zeitschrift mit Impact Factor, Zeitschrift referiert, Open Access)
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DOI: 10.1016/j.canep.2024.102654

Kozlov, Vladimir/Pahomii, Irina/Gagauz, Olga: Covid-19 Mortality Shock: Demographic and Economic Losses in Moldova. In: l Comparative Southeast European Studies, 72, 1, 2024. (Zeitschrift mit Impact Factor, Zeitschrift referiert, Open Access)
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DOI: 10.1515/soeu-2023-0063

Kofanov, Dmitrii/Kozlov, Vladimir/Libman, Alexander: Encouraged to Cheat? Federal Incentives and Career Concerns at the Sub-national Level as Determinants of Under-Reporting of COVID-19 Mortality in Russia. In: British Journal of Political Science, 2023, S. 1-26. (Zeitschrift mit Impact Factor, Zeitschrift referiert, Open Access)
Mehr zur Publikation
DOI: 10.1017/S0007123422000527

Cook, Linda/Iarskaia-Smirnova, Elena/Kozlov, Vladimir: Trying to Reverse Demographic Decline: Pro-Natalist and Family Policies in Russia, Poland and Hungary. In: Social Policy and Society, 2023, S. 1-21 (Social Policy and Society , Volume 22 , Issue 2: THEMED SECTION: Mapping the Shifts in Russian and European Welfare Polities , April 2023 , pp. 355 - 375). (Zeitschrift mit Impact Factor, Zeitschrift referiert, Open Access)
Mehr zur Publikation
DOI: 10.1017/S1474746422000628

Pyankova, Anastasiya/Fattakhov, Timur/Kozlov, Vladimir: The association between beverage-specific alcohol consumption and mortality among road users in Russia, 1965–2019. In: Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 178, December 2022, 2022. (Zeitschrift mit Impact Factor, Zeitschrift referiert)
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DOI: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0001457522002949?casa_token=6WPwfrAU1pUAAAAA:BrIcGSB8mYtwWg1fsdjUee3lAQSTmhWcx7qZ44I-iAfLifcJo6RlGDFpyz3PaoAZLFwfg7gj5w

Kazenin, Konstantin/Kozlov, Vladimir: Ethnicity and fertility of descendants of rural-to-urban migrants: the case of Daghestan (North Caucasus). In: Journal of International Migration and Integration, 2021. (Zeitschrift mit Impact Factor, Zeitschrift referiert)
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Kazenin, Konstantin/Kozlov, Vladimir: Post-Soviet traditionalism, human capital, and fertility: the case of the North Caucasus. In: Post-Soviet Affairs, 37, 2, 2021. (Zeitschrift mit Impact Factor, Zeitschrift referiert)
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Gatskova, Kseniia/Kozlov, Vladimir: Doubling Up or Moving Out? The Effect of International Labor Migration on Household Size. In: International Migration, 58, 2, 2020. (Zeitschrift mit Impact Factor, Zeitschrift referiert)
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Kazenin, Konstantin/Kozlov, Vladimir: Survey Responses on Desired Fertility in Patriarchal Societies: Community Norms vs. Individual Views. In: Comparative Population Studies, 45, 2020. (Zeitschrift mit Impact Factor, Zeitschrift referiert)
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Kazenin, Konstantin/Kozlov, Vladimir: What factors support the early age patterns of fertility in a developing country: the case of Kyrgyzstan. In: Vienna Yearbook of Population Research, 18, 2020. (Zeitschrift mit Impact Factor, Zeitschrift referiert)
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Kozlov, Vladimir/Libman, Alexander: Historical persistence of alcohol-induced mortality in the Russian Federations: legacy of early industrialization. In: Alcohol and alcoholism, 54, 6, 2019, S. 656-661. (Zeitschrift mit Impact Factor, Zeitschrift referiert, Open Access)
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Kozlov, Vladimir/Libman, Alexander/Schultz, Andre: Testosterone and Repression in Non-Democracies: Evidence from a Sample of Russian Governors. In: Kyklos, 71, 2, 2018, S. 244-278. (Zeitschrift mit Impact Factor, Zeitschrift referiert)
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Rozenberg, Dina/Kozlov, Vladimir/Libman, Alexander: Political Regimes, Income and Health: Evidence from Sub-National Comparative Method. In: Social Science Research, 72, May, 2018, S. 20-37. (Zeitschrift mit Impact Factor, Zeitschrift referiert)
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Kozlov, Vladimir/Rozenberg, Dina: Institutional Deficit and Health Outcomes in Post-Communist States. In: Economic Systems, 42, 1, 2018, S. 119-131. (Zeitschrift mit Impact Factor, Zeitschrift referiert)
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Libman, Alexander/Kozlov, Vladimir: The legacy of compliant activism in autocracies: post-Communist experience. In: Contemporary Politics, 23, 2, 2017. (Zeitschrift mit Impact Factor, Zeitschrift referiert)
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Schultz, Andre/Kozlov, Vladimir/Libman, Alexander: Judicial Alignment and Criminal Justice: Evidence from Russian Courts. In: Post-Soviet Affairs, 30, 2-3, 2014. (Zeitschrift mit Impact Factor, Zeitschrift referiert)
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Libman, Alexander/Kozlov, Vladimir: Sub-National Variation of Corruption in Russia: What Do We Know About It?. In: REGION: Regional Studies of Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia, 2, 2, 2013. (Zeitschrift mit Impact Factor, Zeitschrift referiert)
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Libman, Alexander/Kozlov, Vladimir/Schultz, Andre: Roving Bandits in Action: Outside Option and Governmental Predation in Autocracies. In: Kyklos, 65, 4, 2012. (Zeitschrift mit Impact Factor, Zeitschrift referiert)
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Kozlov, Vladimir/Sokolova, Ekaterina/Veselovskaya, Olga: Social capital development after migration: the role of employment, children and gender factors for Russian post-2022 migrants. In: 2024. (Open Access)
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Artikel in Online-Publikationen

Kozlov, Vladimir/Sokolova, Ekaterina/Veselovskaya, Olga: Fertility Intentions under the Shock Conditions: the Case of Russian Exodus. In: IOS Working Papers, 2023. (Open Access)
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Kozlov, Vladimir/Zakharov, Nikita/Kofanov, Dmitry: The Effect of COVID-19 Cash Transfers on Health and Well-being of Adolescents: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Russia. In: SSRN Preprint series, 2023. (Open Access)
Mehr zur Publikation
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4411663

Kozlov, Vladimir: Die demographische Entwicklung Russlands. In: https://www.laender-analysen.de/russland-analysen/429/, 2022. (Open Access)
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Berufliche Laufbahn
  • National Research University – Higher School of Economics, Demographic department – Associate Professor; Laboratory of Social Economic Policy – Senior Researcher, Master Programme “Population and Development” - Academic supervisor, 09/2011—09/2022
Studium und Abschlüsse
  • PhD in Economics, 12/2011
  • Moscow State Lomonosov University. Faculty of Economics. PhD student. PhD thesis: “Population and family policy in Russia: different levels of responsibility, implementation and financing”. (2011 promotion), 2008—2011
  • Moscow State Lomonosov University. Faculty of Economics. Master school. Master’s thesis: “The social policy in conditions of ageing in Russia”, 2006—2008
  • Moscow State Lomonosov University. Faculty of Economics. Bachelor school, 2002—2006



Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte
Abgeschlossene Forschungsprojekte
  • International Project “Mortality in the Central Asia” by National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the University of Wisconsin – Madison, USA (coordinated by Michel Guillot, coordinator in CIS – M. Denisenko), 2008—2012
  • The MOE Project of Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences in Universities of China, Project No. 11JJDGJW001, 2012—2014
  • Research projects supported by Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund and President’s grant “Social and economic institutions within frontier regions”, 2013—2014
  • Ministry of Economic Development research work “The estimation of consequences of social-demographic structure changes in Russia”, 2013
  • Basic Research Programme (Fundamental Projects) “The improvement of the instruments for the main intake/attraction and employment of foreign workers in the Russian Federation”, 2013—2014
  • ERA.net RUSPlus initiative “Russian families in different countries compared to the ethnic majority”, 2015—2017
  • Russian Foundation for Basic Researches “The ladder of participation for children”, 2019—2021
  • ERA.net RUSPlus initiative “Life-course transitions and living arrangements of Russian migrants and their descendants compared to other migrant groups and the ethnic majority in Russia, Finland, and Estonia”, 2020—2022


Wintersemester 2023/24
  • Introduction to Economic growth, University Regensburg


  • Gender health paradox and pandemic shocks. EAPS Health, Morbidity, and Mortality Working Group Bilbao, 28.09.2024.
    Mehr zum Vortrag
  • "Youth indoctrination in Russia: will it achieve loyalty or hatred?", and "Fertility intentions among Russian migrants- the role of shock conditions". 18th Conference of the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies (EACES) Belgrade, 25.09.2024.
    Mehr zum Vortrag
  • Ukrainian migrants in the context of Eastern European migration flow. What do the demographers know about it?. The wellbeing of Ukrainian refugees in need of HIV and TB care Paris Cite, Paris, 29.02.2024.
  • NTA and NTTA approach in the estimation of the premature mortality burden. Evidence from Post-Soviet space. Building Sustainable Generational Economies: The 14th Global Meeting of the NTA Network, University of Paris - Dauphine, February 14-17, 2023 University of Paris - Dauphine, Paris, France, 15.11.2023.
    Mehr zum Vortrag
  • The Effect of Cash Transfers on Health and Well-being of Adolescents During the Pandemic: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Russia. VfS Annual Conference 2023: Growth and the 'sociale Frage' Verein für Socialpolitik, Regensburg University, 27.09.2023.
    Mehr zum Vortrag
  • National transfer accounts (NTA) approach in the estimation of the Covid-19 burden. Evidence from Post-Soviet space. CPop seminar SDU, Odense, 28.02.2023.
  • The Life cycle deficit in Kyrgyzstan and the role of the remittances. Central Asian Regional Round Table on Demographic Resilience Westminster International University in Tashkent, UNFPA, Tashkent, Uzbekistan (online), 18.11.2022.
  • Life cycle deficit and the NTA in Russia and Kyrgyzstan during pre-covid period. European National Transfer Accounts meeting Vienna, Austria (online), 14.11.2022.
  • Life Cycle Deficit and Intergenerational Transfers: Comparative Analysis of Old-EU, Eastern European and Post-Soviet Countries. the Research Seminar Series of the IOS Economics Department IOS, Regensburg, Germany, 18.10.2022.
    Mehr zum Vortrag


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