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"The Pragmatics of Migration – Ethnicity as Agency and Reconfigurations of Georgian-Jewish Identity in Germany": Beitrag von Nino Aivazishvili-Gehne

21.02.2025 News Publikationen

New article by IOS social anthropologist Nino Aivazishvili-Gehne in Journal of Modern Jewish Studies: "The Pragmatics of Migration: Ethnicity as Agency and Reconfigurations of Georgian-Jewish Identity in Germany".

In this chapter Nino Aivazishvili-Gehne examines the multiple perceptions and ascriptions of identities amongst Jewish Post-Soviet Georgian migrants in Germany, focusing on the formation of community after emigration. The first line of discussion concerns the manifestations and perceptions of identities in the activities of people at both the personal and group levels. Analysing everyday relationships in one community in Osnabrück, she discusses how and why the member’s new arrangements of belonging are formed, and how experiences of living and growing up in diverse ethnic and religious settings influences their self-perceptions of this belonging. The second strand of her argument is dedicated to Georgian-Jewish identities in general and specifically to entanglements of Georgian and Jewish identities during and after migration to Germany. What did it mean to be Jewish in Georgia during the Soviet period and after? What does it mean to be Jewish after migrating to Germany?

Nino Aivazishvili-Gehne: The Pragmatics of Migration: Ethnicity as Agency and Reconfigurations of Georgian-Jewish Identity in Germany. In: Journal of Modern Jewish Studies (2025). DOI: 10.1080/1472588620252462316


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