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When Gestures Speak Louder than Words: Elon Musk, Accountability, and the Weight of Influence

A gesture by Elon Musk at Donald Trump's inauguration has sparked outrage around the world. In her article, Katarina Damčević analyzes the controversy and possible consequences.

Image: IMAGO / ZUMA Press Wire


“Handbuch zur Geschichte Südosteuropas”: Volume 3 Out Now

The hardcover edition of the seminal work on “Statehood and Politics in Southeast Europe after 1800” is now available.

IOS/De Gruyter


On Silence and Other Strategies for Being and Remaining a Community in Times of War

Russia's war against Ukraine is also causing tensions in diaspora communities abroad, especially among people with roots in the former USSR. Nino Aivazishvili-Gehne examines how a group of women in Bavaria are dealing with these conflicts.

Image: Nino Aivazishvili-Gehne


In the Storms of Transformation – Two Shipyards between Socialism and the EU

The comparative study of shipyards in Poland and Croatia and their transformation after 1989 by Ulf Brunnbauer and others has been published by the University of Toronto Press.


About the Institute


The IOS is one of the largest non-university research institutions of its kind in Germany. Through its work, the Institute contributes to a better understanding of the society and history of Eastern and Southeast Europe.

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Image: IOS/neverflash.com


IOS Research

At the IOS, researchers from various disciplines conduct research on the history of as well as the economic and political developments in Eastern and Southeast Europe.

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Image: IOS/neverflash.com


The Institute’s Library

The IOS library is one of the largest of its kind, collecting and providing access to literature on Eastern Europe. It also maintains a wide range of electronic resources to support research.

Image: IOS/neverflash.com

Understanding Eastern and Southeast Europe—creating, preserving, and communicating knowledge. This is the goal of the Regensburg-based Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS). The IOS is one of the largest non-university research institutions of its kind in Germany. Our staff include historians, economists, and political scientists with a particular interest in the former Soviet Union and Southeast Europe. In addition, the IOS provides important infrastructure services for research.

Research Communication

Connect with the Institute: Social Media and IOS Blogs

Stay in touch with us. The IOS provides analyses and commentaries on current developments in Eastern and Southeast Europe, news from the Institute, event tips, and much more on various channels such as Bluesky and Mastodon, via its newsletter, and on its blogs.


The IOS in the Media

The most fulfilling jobs in America may not be the ones you expect

Article on how to measure the non-pecuniary benefits people get from their jobs, with statements by Olga Popova.

The Washington Post

Die Orange Revolution in der Ukraine

The program “One Hour of History” on the Orange Revolution, with explanations by Katrin Boeckh.

Deutschlandfunk Nova

Magyar fordert Orban heraus | Ungarische Wirtschaft mit Fragezeichen

ZIB Magazin reports on the upswing of the opposition TISZA in Hungary and on economic risks for Hungary after the US presidential elections, with statements by Ulf Brunnbauer.


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