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Can Memory Europeanize Us?

Article by Nikola Gajić on ostBLOG about how Serbia's policy of remembering the conflicts of the 1990s clashes with EU views and hinders reconciliation and EU integration.

Image: IMAGO/Aleksandar Djorovic

About the Institute


The IOS is one of the largest non-university research institutions of its kind in Germany. Through its work, the Institute contributes to a better understanding of the society and history of Eastern and Southeast Europe.

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Image: IOS/neverflash.com


IOS Research

At the IOS, researchers from various disciplines conduct research on the history of as well as the economic and political developments in Eastern and Southeast Europe.

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Image: IOS/neverflash.com


IOS Publications

Through its publishing activities, the IOS supports research on Eastern and Southeastern Europe and provides information to a wider public.

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Image: IOS/Julia Dragan


The Institute’s Library

The IOS library is one of the largest of its kind, collecting and providing access to literature on Eastern Europe. It also maintains a wide range of electronic resources to support research.

Image: IOS/neverflash.com

Knowledge Transfer

How the IOS imparts knowledge

Through events, teaching, or by supporting journalists in their research, the IOS conveys knowledge on Eastern and Southeast Europe not only to experts but also to the general public.

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Image: IOS/neverflash.com

Understanding Eastern and Southeast Europe—creating, preserving, and communicating knowledge. This is the goal of the Regensburg-based Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS). The IOS is one of the largest non-university research institutions of its kind in Germany. Our staff include historians, economists, and political scientists with a particular interest in the former Soviet Union and Southeast Europe. In addition, the IOS provides important infrastructure services for research.

On ostBLOG

Blog Series "Provenance Research at the IOS"

In the course of a current project, the Institute’s library is checked for books, journals and maps that were looted under Nazi rule. In a series on ostBLOG, Daniela Mathuber explains provenance research at the IOS and presents several objects.



The IOS in the Media

Make Europe Great Again: Das steckt hinter Orbáns „Friedensmission“

The podcast series "Machtprobe" on the controversial foreign policy of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán after his assumption of the EU Council presidency. With statements by Ulf Brunnbauer.


Südosteuropa: Ein blinder Fleck in der deutschen Berichterstattung?

The program @mediasres discusses German media coverage of Southeastern Europe with Ulf Brunnbauer, among others.


Singen, Siegen, Seelentrost

Report on national anthems and their meaning at international soccer matches, with explanations by Peter Mario Kreuter.

Welt am Sonntag.

News from the Institute

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Are you interested in Eastern Europe? Our IOS Newsletter sheds light on the background to and provides information about our research on the region.


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