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Open Science at the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies

We are living in a time of significant societal upheaval and challenges for science, research, and education. As an institute focused on Eastern and Southeastern Europe, we are particularly affected by these changes. An open science culture—one that is transparent, accessible, and participatory—can equip us with the right tools and an open-minded attitude to face these challenges effectively.

Over the past decades, Open Science and its various dimensions have initiated numerous processes and developed measures to enhance transparency in the sciences, thereby improving public trust. The Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies and its researchers have achieved numerous successes in the fields of Open Science in recent years. The institute plans to build on these achievements to integrate Open Science into the daily scientific routine across all disciplines and to promote an open and transparent culture.


Open Science Office

To consolidate the institute's long-standing efforts and ensure they are sustainable and future-proof, the Open Science Office was established in 2022. Working in collaboration with the library and electronic infrastructure departments, the office serves as a consulting and support center for the institute's researchers. It has taken over the roles of Open Access and Research Data Infrastructure officers. The Open Science Office initiates, supports, and continually develops measures to enhance the scientific culture at the institute and improve the quality of science.


Working Group Open Science

Since 2023, the Open Science Office has convened the Open Science Working Group. This group comprises various representatives from the institute's sectors, including research, the library, and administration. Its tasks are twofold: to critically accompany and develop the institute's measures across different areas, and to integrate Open Science topics into these areas. The working group played a crucial role in developing an institute-wide Open Science Policy.


Open Science Policy

On June 3, 2024, after an intensive development period, the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies adopted its Open Science Policy. This policy was formulated by the Open Science Office in collaboration with the Open Science Working Group, taking into account the diverse requirements of the disciplines and the institute's experience in various subfields. The foundation of this Open Science Policy includes the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science and the Leibniz Association's Open Science guidelines. It replaces the institute's Open Access Policy (2018) and Research Data Policy (2020), both previously approved by the executive board.


Sascha Ritter, M. A.

Library and Electronic Research Infrastructure Department
Open Science Officer

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