Nr. 13: Lyazzat Nugumanova and Manuela Troschke, Opting out of Blueprints? The fate of Emissions Trading in Kazakhstan as a lesson for international climate policy, 6 S., Oktober 2016 | Mehr
Nr. 12: Michael Heyna, Doing Business Reforms in Russia – Winners and Losers, 6 S., Mai 2016 | Mehr
Nr. 11: Michael Knogler and Fidelis Lankes, Institutions and labour market outcomes in the EU – A Social Model Employment Efficiency and Income Distribution, 6 S., March 2016 | Mehr
Nr. 10: Richard Frensch, Jan Hanousek, and Evžen Kočenda, Trade in parts and components across Europe, 3 S., Februar 2016 | Mehr