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IOS Database of Economic and Social Models

The database of economic and social models is an additional service offered by the IOS. As a part of the research project “International comparison of social models” the database provides systematic information on important aspects of economic and social models in (Eastern) European countries.

Comparison of economic and social models

Growth, employment, and social welfare are dependent on different factors analyzed within economic and social models, such as the institutional organization of labor markets, the form of social cohesion, and distributional equity. Globalization and demographic trends pose challenges to these economic and social models. Information comparing various national social models and the structure of general institutional architecture could provide ideas and solutions on how to remain or how to become (more) competitive.

National catalogs

The database includes the following countries:

  • The member states of the European Union (EU 27; EU 28 from 2013 onward), comprising the previous members of the EU (EU 15) and the new member states which joined in 2004 and 2007 (EU 10: Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, and EU 12: EU 10 + Malta and Cyprus); Croatia becomes part of this group in mid-2013
  • The Western Balkan countries (WB 6; WB 5 from 2013 onward), Croatia (until 2013), Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, and Albania
  • Turkey (TUR)
  • The successor states of the Soviet Union (CIS 12: Belarus, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia (not been a member of CIS since 18.8.2009), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan).

Data access

The database is divided into ten areas:

  1. Macroeconomic Development
  2. Population
  3. Employment
  4. Social Inclusion
  5. Labor Market Institutions
  6. Public Finance
  7. Education and Innovation
  8. Governance
  9. Environment and Energy
  10. Gender

In each area, the following formats are available:

  • Key indicators (in Excel format) for all countries starting 1995
  • Tables and graphics (Excel format or pdf) for individual indicators and countries or groups of countries. Reports based on IOS publications provide additional commentary on the data. The data in parentheses refer to the countries or groups of countries in question as well as the time span of the data
  • Additionally, a country snapshot can be downloaded for every Eastern European country with graphics containing important indicators (growth rate, employment and unemployment rates, social spending ratio, social inequality and Human Development Index).


Spotlight Ukraine surveys current economic development in the Ukraine.

Additional information sources

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