IOS-Datenbank zu Wirtschafts- und Sozialmodellen - Labor Market Institutions
Key indicators Labor Market Institutions (EU15; EU12; WB6; CIS12 | 1995-2010, table) xls (Employment protection; Expenditures for labour market policy, total; Expenditures for labour market policy, active measures; Expenditures for labour market policy, passive measures; Strikes and lockouts; Minimum wages; Social security program for unemployment; Sanctions applied when activation or job offers are refused / repeatedly rejected by the unemployed or in case of self-induced resignation from jobs)
Unemployment benefit schemes (EU10|2010, table) pdf
OECD indicators on employment protection (EU27|2008, table) xls
Trade union density (OECD | 1960-2008, table) xls
Minimum wages at current prices in national currency (EU27|2000-2010, table) xls
Wage and Inequality Related Indicators:
- Albania | 1995-2009, table xls
- Armenia | 1995-2009, table xls
- Austria | 1995-2009, table xls
- Azerbajan | 1995-2009, table xls
- Belarus | 1995-2009, table xls
- Belgium | 1995-2009, table xls
- Bosnia and Herzegovina | 1995-2009, table xls
- Bulgaria | 1995-2009, table xls
- Croatia | 1995-2009, table xls
- Cyprus | 1995-2009, table xls
- Czech Republic | 1995-2009, table xls
- Denmark | 1995-2009, table xls
- Estonia | 1995-2009, table xls
- Finland | 1995-2009, table xls
- France | 1995-2009, table xls
- Georgia | 1995-2009, table xls
- Germany | 1995-2009, table xls
- Greece | 1995-2009, table xls
- Hungary | 1995-2009, table xls
- Ireland | 1995-2009, table xls
- Italy | 1995-2009, table xls
- Kazakhstan | 1995-2009, table xls
- Kyrgyzstan | 1995-2009, table xls
- Latvia | 1995-2009, table xls
- Lithuania | 1995-2009, table xls
- Luxembourg | 1995-2009, table xls
- Macedonia | 1995-2009, table xls
- Malta | 1995-2009, table xls
- Moldova | 1995-2009, table xls
- Netherlands | 1995-2009, table xls
- Poland | 1995-2009, table xls
- Portugal | 1995-2009, table xls
- Romania | 1995-2009, table xls
- Russian Federation | 1995-2009, table xls
- Serbia | 1995-2009, table xls
- Slovakia | 1995-2009, table xls
- Slovenia | 1995-2009, table xls
- Sweden | 1995-2009, table xls
- Tajikistan | 1995-2009, table xls
- Turkmenistan | 1995-2009, table xls
- Ukraine | 1995-2009, table xls
- Uzbekistan | 1995-2009, table xls
Wages-Low pay (EU27; WB6; CIS12|2010, table) xls
Minimum relativ to average wages of full-time workes (EU27|2000-2009, table) xls
Minimum nominal monthly wages pay (EU27; WB6; CIS12 | 1995-2009, table) xls
Minimum Wage (EU28; WB5; CIS12|2007-2012), table xlsx
Employing Workers (EU28; WB5; CIS12|2013), table xlsx
Employment Protection Regulations (EU28; WB5; CIS12|2006-2013), table xlsx