Economics Department
The Economics Department pursues research foci that are aligned with the Institute's overarching research fields. These include macroeconomic research with a focus on foreign trade and growth as well as their interdependencies with institutions, topography, and language. Microeconomic research focuses particularly on the environment, institutions, health, and labor markets.
Besides research, the Department also works on improving and advancing research structures. This includes developing the journal Economic Systems into one of the world’s leading journals in the field of comparative economics, as well as providing microdata.
In addition, knowledge transfer in the form of conferences, workshops, and seminars plays an important role. Particularly noteworthy are the annual Summer Academy, which offers young scholars a platform for scientific exchange, and the weekly IOS Economics Seminar, which provides opportunities for prominent economists as well as young researchers to present their latest research results.
Contact Person
Prof. Dr. Arevik Gnutzmann-Mkrtchyan
Head of Economics Department