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Guest Scholars

Guest scholars visit the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies for a fixed period and work closely with IOS researchers on joint projects.


Constantin Ardeleanu, PhD
Institute for South‐East European Studies, New Europe College, Bucharest
Zeitraum: 2. bis 30. April 2024
Forschungsthema: "Trade, Politics and Institutions in the Black Sea Region in the Modern Age"

Prof. Roumen Avramov
Member of the Academic advisory council of the Centre for Advanced Study Sofia (CAS)
Zeitraum: 3. bis 28. Juni 2024
Forschungsthema: "The Jews Under Bulgarian Rule During the Holocaust: Institutional Setting, Bifurcating Trajectories and Memories"

Evgeniia Chernina
Zeitraum: 18. März bis 28. März 2024
Forschungsthema: "Cohort and Experience in the Wage Evolution: Role of Systemic Shocks"

Alexandru-Florin Cioltei
Research Center of Cultural Heritage and Socio‐Cultural History at the "Lucian Blaga" University in Sibiu
Zeitraum: 5. Februar bis 1. März 2024
Forschungsthema: "Transferring Digital Know-How. Cartographic Databases as Gate Openers for Historians in East and Southeast Europe"

Prof. Dr. Michael Funke
Universität Hamburg, Fachbereich Volkswirtschaftslehre / Tallinn University of Technology, Department of Economics and Finance
Zeitraum: 15. bis 26. April 2024
Forschungsthema: "Economic Knock‐On Effects of Russia’s Geopolitical Risk on European Economies: A Global VAR Approach"

Prof. Dr. Ala Kharatyan
Mesrop‐Maschtoz‐Institute of Ancient Manuscripts / Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences
Zeitraum: 4. bis 28. März 2024
Forschungsthema: "Der Einfluss des Imperialismus‘ Russlands auf das armenische historische Denken im 19. Jahrhundert"

Prof. Dr. Yulia Kiselyova
School of History, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Zeitraum: 12. bis 23. Februar 2024
Forschungsthema: "'Moving West': Ukrainian Academics in Conditions of Forced Migration (2014–2024)"

Alissa Klots, PhD
History Department of the University of Pittsburgh
Zeitraum: 8. Januar bis 31. August 2024
Forschungsthema: "The Restless Generation: Soviet Retirees and the Meanings of Active Old Age, 1950s–1970s"

Szabolcs László, PhD
Research Fellow, Institute of History, Research Centre for the Humanities, Budapest
Zeitraum: 1. bis 26. Juli 2024
Forschungsthema: "Globalizing Democratic Music Education: The History of the Kodály‐method in Hungary and the US (1950s–1980s)"

Yuki Murata, M.A.
Stipendiat (Marietta Blau-Stipendium des österreichischen Bundesministeriums für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung)
Zeitraum: vom 29. Januar 2024 bis 25. Januar 2025.
Forschungsthema: "Nationalization in Revolutionary Ukraine, 1905–1923: Ukrainian Self Determination and Russian Nationality".

Prof. Steven Nafziger
(Williams College)
Zeitraum: 16. bis 29. Mai 2024
Forschungsthema: "The Black Repartition: Serfdom, Reform, and Economic Development in the Russian Empire, 1850– 1914"

Prof. Slavo Radošević
University College London, School of Slavonic and East European Studies
Zeitraum: 2. bis 29. Februar 2024
Forschungsthema: "Techno‐economic Transformation in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union – A Neo‐ Schumpeterian Perspective"

Alexander Vezenkov, PhD
Centre for Advanced Study, Sofia
Zeitraum: 1. bis 28. März 2024
Forschungsthema: "The Non‐Party Regime(s) in Bulgaria (1934–1944) in Comparative Perspective"

Stefan Voicu, PhD
University of Bologna, Department of Cultural Heritage
Zeitraum: 4. bis 28. März 2024
Forschungsthema: "Labor Unions and Romanian Migrant Workers in the German Meat Industry"


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