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Discussion Papers and Online Publications

Discussion papers

IOS Working Papers

The IOS Working Papers (WP) series serves the purpose of disseminating works in progress that cover the range of research activities within the Institute’s key research fields.


IOS-Mitteilungen (IOS Notifications), which are published at irregular intervals, present interim results and longer summaries of projects, and provide directories, bibliographies, and other data collections as a basis for further research.

Online Publications

Bibliographie deutschsprachiger Periodika aus dem östlichen Europa

[Bibliography of German-Language Periodicals from Eastern Europe]

Albert Weber: Bibliographie deutschsprachiger Periodika aus dem östlichen Europa. Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung (Regensburg). - 2013/2017. 4 Vols. 1348 pp.

Corridors Proceedings

Obstacles and opportunities for dialogue and cooperation in protracted conflict. Edited by Sebastian Relitz. Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (Regensburg). 2018. 208 pages. ISBN: 978-3-945232-01-9. (Corridors Proceedings, vol. 1)

Handbuch der Sportgeschichte Osteuropas

[Handbook of the History of Sports in East Europe; only available in German]

Editorial board: Anke Hilbrenner, Ekaterina Emeliantseva, Christian Koller, Manfred Zeller, and Stefan Zwicker
. Institution: Wissenschaftliches Netzwerk zur Sportgeschichte Osteuropas (Abteilung Osteuropäische Geschichte, Universität Bonn). Edited by: Hermann Beyer-Thoma.


Sigismund von Herberstein: Rerum Moscoviticarum Commentarii. Synoptische Edition der lateinischen und der deutschen Fassung letzter Hand Basel 1556 und Wien 1557 (Rerum Moscoviticarum Commentarii. Synoptic Edition of the Definitive Latin and German Versions Basel 1556 and Vienna 1557. Prepared by Eva Maurer and Andreas Fülberth under the direction of Frank Kämpfer. Revised and edited by: Hermann Beyer-Thoma; only available in German). Osteuropa-Institut München (Regensburg). 2007. 588 pages.


As a partner of OstDok – Osteuropa Dokumente online (Online Documents on Eastern Europe), the IOS provides open access to academic works and gives scholars the opportunity to publish their works (articles and monographs) easily and simply via a publication service. These works are then freely accessible to the general public.

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