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IOS-Datenbank zu Wirtschafts- und Sozialmodellen - Macro-economic Development

Key indicators Macro-economic development (EU15; EU12; WB6; CIS12|1995-2010, table) xls
GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2005 international dollar); GDP growth (annual %); Inflation, Consumer prices (annual %)

GDP growth forecast (EU15; EU12; WB6; CIS12|2009-2016, table) xls

More country info:

GDP growth_regional economic prospects 2012 (EU28; WB5; CIS12; Turkey|2011-2013), table pdf

GDP per capita and average annual growth rates (EU27; WB6; Turkey|1980-2010), table xls

Transition indicators countries (EU10; WB6; Turkey; CIS12|1989-2010), table xls

Transition indicators sectors (EU10; WB6; Turkey; CIS12|1994-2010), table xls

Transition development snapshots (EU10; WB6; Turkey; CIS12|2012), table xls

Private sector share in GDP (EU10; WB6; CIS12|2004-2010), table xls

Annual Macro-economic Indicators (EU10; WB; CIS|2012-2013), table xlsx

Vulnerability Indicators (EU10; WB5; CIS12|2012), table xlsx

Share of Foreign Banks (EU10; WB5; CIS12|1994-2012, table xlsx


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