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Sascha Ritter, M. A.

Library and Electronic Research Infrastructure Department
Open Science Officer
  • Description
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Projects
  • Teachings
  • Presentations


Sascha Ritter studied Philosophy and Religion in Context for his Bachelor of Arts at the University in Rostock. Moving to the Technical University of Dresden, he earned a Master of Arts in Philosophy with an interdisciplinary focus on media and didactics. Subsequently, he worked at the AG SBS at the Institute for Human-Computer Interaction of the Faculty of Computer Science. He supported students and employees with disabilities by providing advice, managed the public relations of the working group and organized a course at the institute run.
Since November 2022, he has been a contact person at the IOS in the areas of open access and research data management.

Curriculum vitae

Professional Career

•    Open Science Officer at IOS, since 11/2022
•    Seminar Manager Digital Retraining IT, Bayrisches Fortbildungszentrum Regensburg; 08/2021 — 10/2022
•    Staff member for coordination, public relations and teaching at the AG SBS at the TU Dresden,  07/2016 — 12/2020


•    Master of Arts Philosophy, TU Dresden, 10/2013 — 06/2016
•    Bachelor of Arts Philosophy with second subject religion in context, University Rostock, 10/2010 — 09/2013



Completed Projects
  • Editorial design and launch of an inclusion directory of best practices in diversity and inclusion efforts at TU Dresden, funded by the Saxon State Ministry for Science and Culture, 2020


Winter term 2019/20
  • Einführung in die barrierefreie Literaturerstellung, Übung (Teil der Dozierenden der AG Services Behinderung und Studium vom Institut für Mensch-Computer-Interaktion und Organisation des Semesters inkl. Prüfungsgestaltung), TU Dresden
Summer term 2019
  • Einführung in die barrierefreie Literaturerstellung, Übung (Teil der Dozierenden der AG Services Behinderung und Studium vom Institut für Mensch-Computer-Interaktion und Organisation des Semesters inkl. Prüfungsgestaltung), TU Dresden
Winter term 2018/19
  • Einführung in die barrierefreie Literaturerstellung, Übung (Teil der Dozierenden der AG Services Behinderung und Studium vom Institut für Mensch-Computer-Interaktion), TU Dresden
Winter term 2017/18
  • Einführung in die barrierefreie Literaturerstellung, Übung (Teil der Dozierenden der AG Services Behinderung und Studium vom Institut für Mensch-Computer-Interaktion), TU Dresden


  • Open Science Office Leibniz-Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung, Neumarkt, 23.05.2023.
    More about the presentation
  • Open Access. Möglichkeiten und Hilfsmittel für eine offene Publikationskultur am IOS Leibniz-Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung, Regensburg, 24.04.2023.
    More about the presentation
  • Open Science am IOS. Library Coffee Lecture Leibniz-Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung, Regensburg, 01.03.2023.

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