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Sara Žerić Đulović, M. A.

Arbeitsbereich Geschichte
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
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Sara Žerić earned her BA (2017) and MA (2020) degrees in history from the University of Pula. In 2019 she recieved a Chancellor's Award for Student Excellence. Since September 2020, she is a volunteer assistant in the Centre for Cultural and Historical Research of Socialism. In October 2021 she started a doctoral program at the University of Regensburg and since then she has been working on her doctoral thesis "Gastarbeiters as agents of modernization in Socialist Yugoslavia (1968–1989)". From July 2022, Sara Žerić has been working at the IOS as a research associate. She is interested in the social history of socialist Yugoslavia, especially in the process of modernisation, migration and women´s history.



Aufsätze in Zeitschriften

Brunnbauer, Ulf/Zeric, Sara: „The gastarbeiters built everything for us.” Migrations, Memories, and Emptiness in the Dalmatian Hinterland. In: Contemporary Southeastern Europe, 11, 1, 2024. (Zeitschrift mit Impact Factor, Zeitschrift referiert, Open Access)
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DOI: 10.25364/02.11:2024.1.2

Žerić Đulović, Sara: The Tyres of Change: Remittances as a Wheel of Development in Pirot, Serbia.. In: Migration and Development, Online first, 2024. (Zeitschrift mit Impact Factor, Zeitschrift referiert, Open Access)
Mehr zur Publikation
DOI: 10.1177/21632324241293512

Bonfiglioli, Chiara/Žerić, Sara: Debating Abortion and Contraception in Socialist Yugoslavia: A Microhistorical Perspective. In: Narodna umjetnost: hrvatski časopis za etnologiju i folkloristiku, 60, 1, 2023. (Zeitschrift mit Impact Factor, Zeitschrift referiert, Open Access)
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DOI: 10.15176/vol60no108

Beiträge zu Sammelwerken

Žerić, Sara: Factories Built on the Deutsche Mark. Yugoslav Gastarbeiter Investments in Creating Jobs in the Homeland. In: Čapo, Jasna/Dimova, Rozita/Jusufi, Lumnije (Hrsg.): Return Migration and its Consequences in Southeast Europe (= Südosteuropa-Jahrbuch, Bd. 47). Berlin - Bruxelles - Chennai - Lausanne - New York - Oxford: Peter Lang, 2024, S. 153-171.
DOI: 10.3726/b21831

Artikel in Online-Publikationen

Žerić, Sara/Gajic, Nikola: Public Health in East and Southeast Europe: Growth, Inequality and the state. Contemporary and Historical Perspectives. In: H-Soz-Kult, 2023 (Conference Report). (Open Access)
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Žerić, Sara: Microhistories of Socialism and Postsocialism. In: H-Soz-Kult. In: H-Soz-Kult, 2023 (Workshop Report). (Open Access)
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Žerić, Sara: The Liquor and Soft Drinks Factory Badel Fažana. In: Unwanted Heritage. Remembering and Forgetting Industry in Istria. In: https://www.istria.ios-regensburg.de/2020/01/23/the-liquor-and-soft-drinks-factory-badel-fazana-by-sara-zeric/, 2020. (Open Access)
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Sonstige Publikationen

Žerić Đulović, Sara: Croatia’s “Mercedes” Town: How Imotski Honours its Gastarbeiter Heritage. https://seeffield.app.uni-regensburg.de/croatias-mercedes-town-how-imotski-honours-its-gastarbeiter-heritage/, 2024. (Open Access)
Mehr zur Publikation

Žerić, Sara: Internationale Konferenz „Socialism on the Bench: Antifascism“. Pula, Kroatien (online), 30. September–02. Oktober 2021. 2022 (Workshop report / Arbeit – Bewegung – Geschichte. Zeitschrift für historische Studien 2022/II).


Berufliche Laufbahn
  • Research Associate at IOS under the project „Transnational Families, Farms and Firms: Migrant Entrepreneurs in Kosovo and Serbia Since the 1960s“, since 07/2022
Studium und Abschlüsse
  • PhD student at the University of Regensburg, since 10/2021
  • Master degree in History at Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Faculty of humanities, Department of History, 10/2017—07/2020
  • Bachelor degree in History at Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Faculty of humanities, Department of History, 10/2014—09/2017
Stipendien (Auswahl)
  • BAYHOST One-year scholarship, 10/2021—07/2022
  • Erasmus+ scholarship for semesters abroad, 02/2017—07/2017
  • Scholarship of the Istrian County for excellence, 10/2017—07/2020



Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte
  • Transnational Families, Farms and Firms: Migrant Entrepreneurs in Kosovo and Serbia Since the 1960s (IOS - Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies, IAMO - Europe University Viadrina, since July 2022)
Abgeschlossene Projekte
  • Remembering and Forgetting Industrial Labour in the Adriatic: The Case of Istria (2018—2020, IOS – CKPIS)
  • Bedrohliche Wende nach ideologischer Erstarrung: das jugoslawische 1989 “revisited” (2019, DAAD)
  • History that is not yet a history: How to use ICTY Archive – from the Tribunal to the Classroom (EUROCLIO, 2020—2021)


  • "Legacy of Yugoslav Migrant Workers in Local Development".. Symposion des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats Von wegen unsichtbar! Neue Perspektiven auf „Gastarbeiter:innen“ aus Südosteuropa. Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft e.V., Leipzig, 28.02.2025.
    Mehr zum Vortrag
  • Industrielle Vergangenheit, Monumentale Gegenwart: Rückkehrmigration in der Imotska Krajina. Kroatien nach Deutschland und zurück? Transnationale Migration und gesellschaftlicher Wandel. University of Zagreb/University of Regensburg/IOS Regensburg, 18.10.2024.
  • Representations of Gastarbeiters: (Dis)Continuity of Economic Change, Heritage and Memory, Between Ruptures and Persistence. Humboldt-Konferenz: Between Ruptures and Persistence. The Question of Dis-/Continuities in the History of Southeastern Europe Universität Rijeka, Philosophische Fakultät, 30.09.2024.
  • "Labor and Legacy: Tracing the Business History of Gastarbeiter Factories in Yugoslavia". Researching the Business History of East and Southeast Europe IOS/Institute of Economic Sciences (IES), Belgrade / Online, 05.07.2024.
  • Reforma carinskih olakšica kao prilika za povratak jugoslavenskih gastarbajtera / The Reform of Customs Benefits as an Opportunity for the Return of Yugoslav Guest Workers. 6th International Conference Socialism on the Bench CKPIS/University of Pula, Pula, 29.09.2023.
    Mehr zum Vortrag
  • Trust and cooperation” between the researcher and interviewees: case study of Pirot, Serbia. TraFFF Second Tematic Workshop: Migrant Entrepreneurs in Kosovo And Serbia: Tracing Trust and Innovation Viadrina Center Borders in Motion/IOS Regensburg, Frankfurt/Oder, 09.09.2023.
  • Migration and Development in Socialist Yugoslavia: The Gastarbeiter Factories (devizne fabrike). Southeast European Studies Online Platform SEEFFIELD/IOS Regensburg, 05.07.2023.
    Mehr zum Vortrag
  • "I work and I exist”. Impact of (Yugoslav) gastarbaiters savings on women's emancipation in Imotska Krajina. BASEES CONFERENCE 2023; The British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies/University of Glasgow, Glasgow, 31.03.2023.
    Mehr zum Vortrag
  • What can we learn from the socialist experience? Migrants, Experts and Development Policies, 1960s-1980s. TraFFF First Tematic Workshop: Migration and Development: Between Wishful Thinking and Practical Results (mit Ulf Brunnbauer). IOS Regensburg/Economic Institute Belgrade, Belgrade, 03.03.2023.
  • Utjecaj gastarbajtera na gospodarski i društveni život Imotske krajine (1968–1989) / The impact of gastarbeiters on the economic and social life of Imotska Krajina (1968–1989). CKPIS Online Platform; University Juraj Dobrila Pula, 26.04.2022.
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