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Frictions: Europe, America and global Transformations - Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

Creator: Brunnbauer, Ulf

Title: Kicked out of Krapina (Croatia)

Subtitle: Emigration Agents and Habsburg Bureaucrats

DOI: 10.15457/frictions/0012


What was a multilingual, kosher butcher born in Romania, holding a US passport, with contacts all across Europe, doing in the small Croatian town of Krapina? Was he really just there for the waters to help his health issues? Or was he part of an international human trafficking ring? Ulf Brunnbauer explores the fate of Samuel J. Klein to highlight the complexity of individual and collective identities, state authority, sovereignty, and local and transnational connections, as well as migration, border and surveillance regimes in the Habsburg Empire, Europe and the Americas. The case study from the turn of the twentieth century is set in the context of facilitating migration. It inspires a discussion of the longer history of the intersections of migration and innovation (including human trafficking), on the part of both individuals and the state, in shaping mobility and bordering practices in the globalized modern world, likewise today.

Date of publication: 2021-08-19

URL: https://frictions.europeamerica.de/essay-brunnbauer-kicked-out-of-krapina-croatia-emigration-agents-and-habsburg-bureaucrats/

Subjects: Austria-Hungary, Habsburg, Migration, border, innovation, state sovereignty, surveillance, trafficking, transatlantic, transnational

Section: Essays

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