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IOS-Datenbank zu Wirtschafts- und Sozialmodellen - Public Finance

Key indicators Public Finance (EU15; EU12; WB6; CIS12 | 1995-2010, table) xls
(Total government expenditures; Expenditures for social protection; Expenditures for health; Total government revenues; Total tax revenues; Social contributions; Types of social security programs; Types of mandatory systems for retirement income; Contribution rates for social security programs; Social security program for old age, disability and survivors; Social security program for sickness and maternity; Social security program for work injury)

Government expenditures on social security and welfare (CIS12 | 1990-2009, table) xls

Share of employees not covered by social security contributions (OECD | 2007-2008, table) pdf

Expenditures on health, growth rates (EU27; WB6; Turkey|2006-2010), table xls

Expenditure health, in % of GDP (EU27; WB6; Turkey|1980-2010), table xls


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