IOS-Datenbank zu Wirtschafts- und Sozialmodellen - Governance
Key indicators Governance (EU15; EU12; WB6; CIS12 | 1995-2010, table) xls (Inmates (per 100,000 residents / total number); Freedom in the World; Voice and accountability; Political stability and absence of violence and terrorism; Government effectiveness; Regulatory quality; Rule of law; Control of corruption)
Confidence in national government (EU27; WB6; CIS12 | 2010, figure, table) xls
National Institutions Index (EU27; WB6; CIS12 | 2010, figure, table) xls
Doing business start-up indicators (CIS12 | 2003-2009, table) xls
Prison Population (EU27; WB6; CIS12 | 1998-20072010, table) pdf
Anti-trafficking Policy Index (Worldwide|2012), table xlsx
Corruption Perception Index (EU28; WB5; CIS12|2001-2012), table xlsx
Coups d’Etats (EU28; WB5; CIS12; TUR|1946-2012), table xlsx
Share of Foreign Banks (EU10; WB5; CIS12|1994-2012), table xlsx
Global Competitiveness Index – Ranks (EU28; WB5; CIS12; TUR|2001-2013), table xlsx
Global Competitiveness Index – Scores (EU28; WB5; CIS12; TUR|2001-2013), table xlsx