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Konferenzbericht zur IOS-Jahrestagung 2024 erschienen

17.10.2024 Publikationen

The report by Andi Balla on H-Soz-Kult provides an overview of the contributions to the annual conference on "Getting Old in Eastern Europe: Social, Political and Economic Dimensions of Ageing in the Past and Present" and presents the main points of discussion.

The eleventh IOS Annual Conference focused on the challenges of ageing populations in East and Southeast Europe. It explored why these countries face problems such as low birth rates and out-migration of young people. The conference discussed how these problems affect society, politics and the economy, both now and in the past. The report provides an overview of the presentations and main discussions at the conference "Getting Old in Eastern Europe: Social, Political and Economic Dimensions of Ageing in the Past and Present". It offers insights from a range of experts on ageing in the region.


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