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seeFField: Internationales Forschungsstipendium in Regensburg 2023/2024

28.07.2023 Calls for Applications

We are pleased to announce a call for applications for our 2023/2024 International Visiting Research Fellowship Program. We particularly encourage early career scholars from South-Eastern Europe, historians, anthropologists, linguists, and scholars of cognate disciplines, to apply. Fellows are expected to conduct research that resonates with the project’s intellectual profile, particularly developing comparative and trans-regional research perspectives.

Fellows will be offered the opportunity to spend one month in Regensburg, using the IOS library, consulting colleagues at UR and IOS, attending talks and seminars, and presenting their research in our research seminar. We also encourage and support fellows to apply for long-term stays, for example, through the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation or the Marie Curie Sklodowska Program of the EU. The one-month fellowship amounts to 4.000,00 EUR (which includes travel and accommodation). We will award a total of two fellowships for the academic year 2023/2024.

seeFField stands for A small but fertile field: strengthening Southeast European Studies in Regensburg, an Area Studies initiative at the University of Regensburg, in partnership with IOS, that will run for seven years with the financial support of the Volkswagen Foundation, under the program World Knowledge – Structural Support for ‘Rare Subjects’ (Weltwissen: Förderung für Kleine Fächer). 

The deadline for application is 16 September 2023.


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