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COMPSEES: Schwerpunkt zu "Tackling and Regulating Disasters"

10.03.2023 Publikationen

Comparative Southeast European Studies 71, no. 1, 2023 is available in open access. It features a thematic section on “Tackling and Regulating Disasters”, Guest Editor is Elya Tzaneva (Sofia).

The issue offers comparative perspectives on various technological and environmental disasters and the ways local communities cope with them.

Yelis Erolova (Sofia) and Yulia Tsyryapkina (Barnaul) conduct a comparative study of memories of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant exposure in Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, and Bulgaria and discuss the issues of awareness, preparedness, and reactions to this disaster. Tatyana V. Saveleva and Natalia B. Danilenko (Miass) focus on similar aspects based on a nuclear exposure that happened in the Southern Urals earlier. Wei Jiang (Beijing) explores the post-earthquake city re-building in China and discusses the opportunities for low-carbon development that it brought. Tram Thi Phuong Nguyen (Beijing) explores another kind of disaster: the politically motivated forced displacement of Tajik indigenous populations in China and the social and cultural struggles to local communities that it brings. Finally, Mila Maeva (Sofia) examines the local community reactions and coping strategies after the train explosion in Hitrino (Bulgaria).

In the Open Section, Norberto Pignatti (Tbilisi) discusses policy perspectives, challenges, and opportunities related to energy security in the country of Georgia.

The issue concludes with four book reviews.


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