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COMPSEES mit Schwerpunkt "Healthcare: Public Policies, Social Practices, and Individual Experiences"

19.03.2024 Publikationen

Comparative Southeast European Studies 72, no. 1, 2024, is available in open access.

The issue offers a thematic section on "Healthcare: Public Policies, Social Practices, and Individual Experiences" guest edited by Gergana Mircheva and Olga Popova. This thematic section focuses on health as a multilayered political, economic, and cultural phenomenon and offers four articles. Vesna Trifunović discusses the polio vaccine development in Serbia in a broader sociopolitical context. Josip Glaurdić and Christophe Lesschaeve examine the political attitudes in Southeastern Europe during the Covid-19 pandemic. Galina Goncharova and Teodora Karamelska focus on individual and institutional aspects of caring for people with dementia in Bulgaria, while Marija Brujić studies the trust in healthcare and the experiences of Serbian parents in the Netherlands during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Another article of the issue by John Anderson and Muazzam Toshmatova focuses on the firm perceptions of infrastructure systems as obstacles to conducting business in transition countries.

In an open section, Vladimir Kozlov and colleagues discuss the approaches to understanding the Covid-19 mortality losses in Moldova. In addition, the issue contains four book reviews by Elisa Satjukow, Ulf Brunnbauer, Tatiana Zhurzhenko, and Gilles de Rapper.


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