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Call for Papers für die 16. Summer Academy von IOS und APB: Deadline verlängert

09.04.2024 Calls for papers

16th Joint IOS/APB Summer Academy on Central and Eastern Europe – Call for papers (deadlline extended to April 29, 2024)

The 16th Joint IOS/APB Summer Academy on Central and Eastern Europe organized by the Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS Regensburg) in cooperation with the Akademie für Politische Bildung, Tutzing (APB) and the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies (EACES).

Call for papers
Date: July 1-3, 2024;
Location: Tutzing, Lake Starnberg, Germany

Submission Deadline: April 8, 2024

Theme: Labor Market Dynamics in Turbulent Times: Addressing the Challenges of War, Climate Change, and Technological Shifts


In an era characterized by significant upheavals, the 16th Joint IOS/APB Summer Academy is dedicated to examining the complex labor market dynamics within Central and Eastern Europe. This period is marked by two global phenomena: the green transition as a response to climate change, and the digital transformation, driven by advancements in technology. Both have profound and unavoidable impacts on labor markets, including reshaping the future of work and leading to the obsolescence of certain professions and jobs.

The imperative of the green transition continues unabated, even as Europe faces an energy crisis in the wake of the Ukrainian-Russian war that started with the Russian aggression in February 2022. The effects of Russia’s assault on Ukraine have far-reaching implications, affecting the labor market both in the war-torn regions and in neighboring countries that are grappling with the large influx of Ukrainian forced migrants.

This conference seeks to explore these intertwined challenges, focusing on three pivotal areas, as exemplified below:

Climate Change and Green Transition:

  • Assessing how the green transformation is reshaping job and skill compositions, the labor market effects of energy transition and climate policies, and strategies for ensuring a just transition amidst fossil fuel phase-out.

Technological Shifts and AI:

  • Exploring labor market implications of AI and technological advancements, the influence of AI and automation on skills, occupations, labor productivity, and the future of work, and the evolution of teleworking practices in the context of the war.

Times of War:

  • Analyzing the labor market consequences of the war within and beyond Eastern Europe, including rebuilding new job opportunities in war-affected areas after hostilities cease as well as the impact on neighboring countries dealing with the refugee influx.


We welcome submissions from junior scholars (Ph.D. students and Postdocs) in economics, sociology, and political economy, including both theoretical and empirical papers. Preference will be given to papers focusing on Central and Eastern Europe, the Balkans, and post-Soviet countries.

Please provide:

  • Extended abstracts (up to 2000 words) or full papers.
  • Presenter’s CV (up to 3 pages) including contact information.

Submissions should be sent in a single PDF file to summeracademy@ios-regensburg.de

Key Dates:

Submission Deadline (extended): April 29, 2024
Notification of Acceptance: May 6, 2024
Submission of full accepted papers: June 17, 2024
Conference Dates: July 1-3, 2024

Keynote speakers:

Achim Ahrens (ETH Zurich, Switzerland);
Hartmut Lehmann (University of Bologna, Italy and IZA, Germany);
Jörg Lingens (University of Münster, Germany).

Further information:
The IOS/APB/EACES Summer Academies on Central and Eastern Europe aim to bring together Ph.D. students and Postdocs in a workshop atmosphere. The workshop language is English. The conference registration fee of 75 Euros covers the cost of a two-night stay and includes all meals provided. The Hans Raupach Award will honor the author(s) of a paper of exceptional merit. Further information on the program and past summer academies is available at: https://leibniz-ios.de/en/knowledge-transfer/events/summer-academy

Contact Person

Sinem Ayhan, Ph.D.

Arbeitsbereich Ökonomie
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin


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