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Media as a Tool of International Intervention

15.10.2024 18:30 Uhr R 219, VHS, Thon-Dittmer-Palais, Haidplatz 8 Diskussion Publikumsveranstaltungen Vorträge

The talk will focus on post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina, the country that remains one of the biggest experiments in international intervention in modern history. Media assistance, as well as international intervention, was an enormous project that involved many donors and recipient organisations and large amounts of money. However, it is just one of many countries where democratisation and state-building took place with little to no input from the local community. The talk will give an overview of the intervention, its main actors, goals, and approaches.

Dr. Nidžara Ahmetašević is an award-winning journalist and independent scholar from Bosnia and Herzegovina. For over twenty years, she has written about human rights, media, and migration. Her work has been featured in various media outlets, such as The Balkans, The New Yorker, The Rolling Stone, Guardian, Al Jazeera English, etc. She is the author of the book The Media as a Tool of International: House of Cards (Routledge, 2024).

Moderated by: Ger Duijzings

Journalist Talks Series is a part of the seeFField project of the University Regensburg in cooperation with the Volkshochschule Regensburg.


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