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The Multiple Trajectories of Albanian Transitional Justice

16.05.2022 15:00 Uhr Hybrid: In Präsenz und online Vorträge

Taking a long view of Albania’s twentieth century, this seminar examines the legacy of state violence and the transitional justice measures and methods applied since 1992 alongside an assessment of the entire process until today. The focus will be on lustration/vetting, file access, missing persons, and the role of politics in shaping what was ultimately a fraught and disjointed attempt to create a meaningful reckoning with Albania’s communist past.
Moderator: Heike Karge
Location: Campus, University of Regensburg, Vielbert Building, VG 0.14. Also via Zoom (Meeting-ID: 667 1742 7189 Code: 740161)


Robert C. Austin

Robert C. Austin (Centre for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto), is a specialist on East Central and Southeastern Europe in historic and contemporary perspective. His most recent books are “Making and Remaking the Balkans: Nations and States since 1878” and “A History of Central Europe – Nations and States since 1848.” He is now writing a historical fiction centred on the life of Albania’s King Zog and is currently a visiting fellow at the Leibniz ScienceCampus Europe and America.


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