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The Snake Island from Achilles to Zelenskyy

24.04.2024 16:00 Uhr IOS, Raum 017, Landshuter Str. 4, 93047 Regensburg Vorträge

Talk by Constantin Ardeleanu (New Europe College, Bucharest) in the SNAKLAB series, organized by the seeFField project in cooperation with IOS Regensburg.

A tiny islet in the north-western part of the Black Sea, about 45 kilometers east of the Danube Delta, the Snake Island has a fascinating history, which in fact illuminates larger aspects related to the history of the region. The island was “rediscovered” in the early 19th century, when classical historians looking from Greek-Roman artifacts in the Ukrainian provinces of imperial Russia identified the island as the ancient Leuke, home of a famous Greek temple to Achilles. The temple made way to a lighthouse, which guided ships carrying grain from both Southern Ukraine and the Danube Delta. In 1856, at the end of the Crimean War, the island was “returned”, with British support, to the Ottoman Empire, and in 1878 the island and the neighboring Delta became Romanian territory. It was annexed in 1948 by the Soviet Union; since 1991, the island has remained part of independent Ukraine. In the 2000s, delimitation of the maritime boundary close to the Snake Island was the object of a Romanian-Ukrainian trial in front of the International Court of Justice. Not least of all, with Russia’s full-fledged war against Ukraine, the Snake Island has assumed new relevance in Ukraine’s defense and in president Zelenskyy’s addresses to the Ukrainian nation.

The talk aims to briefly present what makes the history of this place so interesting and worthwhile being studied by those interested in Black Sea history.



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