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Microstructures of Yugoslav Socialism: Croatia 1970—1990 (Microsocialism)

13.07.2022 10:00 Uhr Hybrid: IOS (Raum 017) und Online Vorträge

Project presentation on case studies of Microsocialism in Croatia from 1970—1990.

Microsocialism is a four-year research project financed by the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) and hosted by the Centre for Cultural and Historical Research of Socialism (CKPIS), Juraj Dobrila University of Pula. The research team is focusing on eight different themes placed in various local contexts. The case studies unravel the functioning of late Yugoslav self-managed socialism through an examination of social relations and structures as seen through the lens of social, cultural, economic and political history. The attention is particularly set on citizens in the local communities, protection of self-management, security system, local media, organisations of associated labour, cultural creativity and participation, women's activism, and war veterans.


  • Igor Duda: Introduction
  • Saša Vejzagić: “Managing a large industrial system and formation of local markets in the 1970s Yugoslavia”
  • Anita Buhin: “’Culture as the substance and the way of life and work’: the example of two factories”
  • Chiara Bonfiglioli (online): “State socialist women's organisations and their activism on health and contraception”
  • Tina Filipović: “Social welfare policy and benefits for partisan veterans in late socialist municipalities”
  • Magda Najbar-Agičić (online): “Local media in socialism: politics and community”
  • Igor Duda: “Wishes, needs or deeds? Financing of local communities in Yugoslavia from the 1960s to the 1980s”

The presentation takes place hybrid via Zoom (Meeting-ID: 691 9047 7871, Passcode: 375569)


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