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Centralist Ambitions and Peripheral Realities in the 20th Century: Contested Identities in Yugoslavia

16.05.2023 Czech Academy of Sciences, Hall 108, Národní 3, Prag, Národní 3, 110 00 Prag, Tschechischie Republik Tagungen

International conference on "contested identities" in Yugoslavia during the 20th century.

The planned conference aims to bring together researchers whose professional interest is focused on the study of various forms of identity (national, regional, local) using the example of Yugoslavia, a state with a very specific national, social and cultural structure during most of the 20th century. The focus of the conference will be on the analysis of tensions and negotiations over forms of identity between the power center and the periphery in phases of transformation (political, social, cultural, etc.) as well as major socio-political changes (crises, changes in ruling structures, war conflicts).

The conference is a result of the research program of the AV21 strategy "Anatomy of European Society, History, Tradition, Culture, Identity" of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague. With the support of the Cooperatio program of Charles University in Prague.

Conference language: English.

Venue: Czech Academy of Sciences, Hall 108, Národní 3, Prague Further information: Milan Sovilj, Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, e-mail: sovilj@hiu.cas.cz

Organized by: Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, the Institute of World History of the Faculty of Philosophy of Charles University, the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies in Regensburg, and the Croatian Institute of History in Zagreb.


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