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IOS-Jahrestagung: "Getting Old in Eastern Europe. Social, Political and Economic Dimensions of Ageing in the Past and Present"

27.06.2024 – 29.06.2024 IOS, Raum 319, Landshuter Str. 4, 93047 Regensburg Tagungen

11th IOS Annual Conference 2024

East and Southeast Europe present, a unique situation when it comes to ageing: fertility has declined rapidly to very low levels; emigration rates are high, whereas immigration levels are low; mortality is relatively high, healthcare systems are weak, and unhealthy lifestyles widespread. High COVID-19 mortality rates and low life expectancy are obvious consequences. At the same time, pension systems face huge challenges and poverty rates among older persons are high. Observers often frame ageing in terms of “decline” or “crisis”, instead of highlighting its potential and tackling the root causes of the social predicament of old people. How did old people in East and Southeast Europe end up in such a difficult situation? What dilemmas does the region face today? And what are the likely scenarios for the future? The 2024 Annual Conference of the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies will investigate ageing today and the historical dimensions of this process from multiple perspectives.

Registration to the reception is closed.


17:00 — 17:15 | IOS Room 319

Opening Remarks

Ulf Brunnbauer, Director of the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS)

Vladimir Kozlov, Research associate, Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS)

17:15 — 19:30 | IOS Room 319

Keynote Lectures | Hybrid via Zoom

Eduard Jongstra (United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Istanbul): From Demographic Security to Demographic Resilience

Alissa Klots (University of Pittsburgh): The Restless Generation: Soviet Retirees and the Meanings of Active Old Age

Join via Zoom: Link

19:30 | Foyer of Room 319


Contact person

Dr. Kathleen Beger

Arbeitsbereich Geschichte
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin


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