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A Legal Overview of the Situation of National Minorities in Transnistria

Type: Text

Title: A Legal Overview of the Situation of National Minorities in Transnistria

Creator: Andrei Iovu

DOI: 10.15457/cp_1_72-85

Date of Publication: 19.02.2018

License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Language: English

Availability: Download

Description: The present study seeks to elucidate the situation of national minorities in Transnistria by considering the region’s legislative framework. The primary objective of the research is to explain how national minorities’ rights are regulated in the context of secessionist Transnistria, which is de jure a territory of the Republic of Moldova. The paper examines the legal framework of the region by using the de facto doctrine. In particular, the research highlights that while the Republic of Moldova’s normative aligns with international standards, its application in the Transnistrian region is limited. At the same time, the de facto region’s legislation is ambiguous and lacks regulations regarding people belonging to national minorities. Finally, the study presents legal and institutional recommendations that aim to improve the situation of national minorities in the region.

Geographical Area: Moldova, Transnistria

Keywords: national minorities, de facto authorities, de facto legislation, de facto states, Transnistria

Structured recordings: Relitz, Sebastian (ed.): Obstacles and Opportunities for Dialogue and Cooperation in Protracted Conflicts. Regensburg: Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS), 2018. ISBN: 978-3-945232-01-9. http://doi.org/10.15457/cp_1.

Citation: Iovu, Andrei (2018): A Legal Overview of the Situation of National Minorities in Transnistria. Version: 1. Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS). Text. http://doi.org/10.15457/cp_1_72-85.


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