IOS-Datenbank zu Wirtschafts- und Sozialmodellen - Gender
Key indicators Gender (EU15; EU12; WB6; CIS12 | 1995-2010, table) xls
Demographic overview by sex; Female population fraction; Life expectancy (in years) at birth; Life expectancy (in years) at the age of 65; Gender parity in economic activity rate; Female Members of national parliaments (in%); Female Researchers (in %); Gender pay gap as diffenrence in monthly earnings; Victims of serious assaults; Gender parity in tertiarty education; Mean age at first marriage.
Electorial Quotas (EU28; WB5; CIS12; TUR|2012), table xlsx
Women in Parliaments (EU28; WB5; CIS12; TUR|1997-2013), table xlsx