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Economics Department - Staff Publications

  • Year
Publication Year Type Department
Otrachshenko, Vladimir/Popova, Olga/Tavares, Jose: Psychological costs of currency transition: Evidence from the Euro adoption. In: European Journal of Political Economy, 45, Dezember 2016, 2016, S. 89-100. (Journal with Impact Factor, Refereed Journal)
DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2016.10.002
2016 Journal Articles Economics Department
Otrachshenko, Vladimir/Popova, Olga/Tavares, Jose: Psychological costs of currency transition: Evidence from the Euro adoption. In: CEPR Discussion Paper, 11071 2016.
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2016 Discussion Papers Economics Department
Sidorkin, Oleg/Srholec, Martin: R&D subsidy output additionality effects: A comparison of IMPULS, TIP and ALFA programmes. Institute for Democracy & Economic Analysis (IDEA), Studie 8 / 2017, 2017.
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2017 Other Publications Economics Department
Nikolova, Milena/Popova, Olga: Sometimes your best ain't good enough: The worldwide evidence on the well-being efficiency. In: IZA Discussion Paper, 10774 2017.
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2017 Discussion Papers Economics Department
Otrachshenko, Vladimir/Popova, Olga/Solomin, Pavel: Health consequences of the Russian weather. In: Ecological Economics, 132, Februar 2017, 2017, S. 290-306. (Journal with Impact Factor, Refereed Journal)
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2016.10.021
2017 Journal Articles Economics Department
Mullerova, Alzbeta: Family Policy and Maternal Employment in the Czech Transition: A Natural Experiment. In: Journal of Population Economics, 30, 2017, S. 1185–1210. (Journal with Impact Factor, Refereed Journal) 2017 Journal Articles Economics Department
Sidorkin, Oleg/Vorobyev, Dmitriy: Political Cycles and Corruption in Russian Regions. In: European Journal of Political Economy, 2017. (Journal with Impact Factor, Refereed Journal)
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2017 Journal Articles Economics Department
Nugumanova, Lyazzat/Frey, Miriam/Yemelina, Natalya: Environmental Problems and Policies in Kazakhstan: Air pollution, waste and water. In: IOS Working Papers, 366 2017.
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2017 Discussion Papers Economics Department
Nugumanova, Lyazzat/Frey, Miriam: Environmental Governance and Policy in Kazakhstan. In: IOS Working Papers, 365 2017.
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2017 Discussion Papers Economics Department
Knogler, Michael: Ukraine- Forschungsgruppe at IOS in cooperation with IER Kiev: Spotlight Ukraine: Monthly Economic Monitor February 2017. https://www.dokumente.ios-regensburg.de/publikationen/SpotlightUkraine/SpotlightUkraineFebruary2017.pdf, 2017.
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2017 Other Publications Economics Department
Ayhan, Sinem H./Gatskova, Kseniia/Lehmann, Hartmut: The impact of non-cognitive skills and risk preferences on rural-to-urban migration: Evidence from Ukraine. In: IZA Discussion Paper, 10982, Bonn 2017.
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2017 Discussion Papers Economics Department
Gatskova, Kseniia/Ivlevs, Artjoms/Dietz, Barbara: Does migration affect education of girls and young women in Tajikistan?. In: United National University World Institute for Development Economics Research, 104, Helsinki 2017. (Open Access)
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DOI: 10.35188/UNU-WIDER/2017/328-8
2017 Discussion Papers Economics Department
Skoglund, Ekaterina: The happiness gap between transition and nontransition countries. In: IZA World of Labor, 357, 2017. (Refereed Journal)
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DOI: 10.15185/izawol.357
2017 Journal Articles Economics Department
Karabchuk, Tatiana/Kumo, Kazuhiro/Selezneva, Ekaterina: Demography of Russia: From the Past to the Present.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
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2017 Monographs Economics Department
Popova, Olga: Does religiosity explain economic outcomes?. In: IZA World of Labor, 335, Februar 2017, 2017. (Refereed Journal)
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.15185/izawol.335
2017 Journal Articles Economics Department

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