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Economics Department - Staff Publications

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Nikolova, Milena/Popova, Olga/Otrachshenko, Vladimir: Stalin and the Origins of Mistrust. In: IZA Discussion Paper, 12326, Bonn: IZA 2019. (Open Access)
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2019 Discussion Papers Economics Department
Otrachshenko, Vladimir/Popova, Olga: Can Russia Afford Climate Change?. In: Russian Analytical Digest Nr. 243, 2019. (Open Access)
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DOI: 10.3929/ethz-b-000385448
2019 Online Publication/Blog posts Economics Department
Mavisakalyan, Astghik/Otrachshenko, Vladimir/Popova, Olga: Can Bribery Buy Health? Evidence from Post-Communist Countries. In: Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre Working Paper series, WP1905, Perth: Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre 2019. (Open Access)
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2019 Discussion Papers Economics Department
Otrachshenko, Vladimir/Popova, Olga/Tavares, Jose: Extreme weather and violence in Russia: Evidence across age and gender. In: VOX, CEPR Policy Portal, 2019. (Open Access)
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2019 Online Publication/Blog posts Economics Department
Skoglund, Ekaterina: Social Policies, Demographic Patterns, and Inclusion Strategies. An Introduction. In: Südosteuropa. Journal of Politics and Society, 67, 2, 2019, S. 143-149. (Journal with Impact Factor, Refereed Journal, Open Access) 2019 Journal Articles Economics Department
Skoglund, Ekaterina/Csányi, Zoltán: Quantitative analysis of the objective and subjective aspects of youth migration in the Danube region. In: YOUMIG Working Papers Series, 3 2019. (Open Access)
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2019 Discussion Papers Economics Department
Huber, Stephan/Städter, Silvio/Model, Jochen: Ostracism in Alliances of Teams and Individuals: Voting, Exclusion, Contribution, and Earnings. In: IAAEU Discussion Paper Series, 01, Trier 2019. (Open Access)
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2019 Discussion Papers Economics Department
Doblinger, Claudia/Birthe, Soppe/Huber, Stephan: Converging Logics: Coopetitive Ties and Innovation in the Early Clean Transportation Industry. In: Atinc, Guclu (Hrsg.): Academy of Management Proceedings., 2019, S. 2151-6561. (Open Access)
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2019 Chapters in Edited Volumes Economics Department
Nikolova, Milena/Otrachshenko, Vladimir/Popova, Olga: Stalin and the Origins of Mistrust. In: Global Labor Organization Discussion Paper, 344, Essen: Global Labor Organization 2019. (Open Access)
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2019 Discussion Papers Economics Department
Otrachshenko, Vladimir/Popova, Olga/Tavares, Jose: Extreme Temperature and Extreme Violence across Age and Gender: Evidence from Russia. In: Global Labor Organization Discussion Paper, 382, Essen: Global Labor Organization 2019. (Open Access)
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2019 Discussion Papers Economics Department
Otrachshenko, Vladimir/Popova, Olga/Tavares, Jose: Extreme Temperature and Extreme Violence across Age and Gender: Evidence from Russia. In: Households in Conflict Network Working Paper, 315, Essen 2019. (Open Access)
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2019 Discussion Papers Economics Department
Nikolova, Milena/Otrachshenko, Vladimir/Popova, Olga: Stalin and the Origins of Mistrust. In: IZA discussion paper, 12326, Bonn: IZA 2019. (Open Access)
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2019 Discussion Papers Economics Department
Ivlevs, Artjoms/Nikolova, Milena/Popova, Olga: Former Communist Party Membership and Present-Day Entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe. In: IOS Working Paper, 384, Regensburg: IOS 2019. (Open Access)
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2019 Discussion Papers Economics Department
Gang, Ira N./Gatskova, Kseniia/Landon-Lane, John: Vulnerability to Poverty: Tajikistan During and After the Global Financial Crisis. In: Social Indicators Research, 138, 3, 2018, S. 925–951 (Forth author: Myeong-Su Yun). (Journal with Impact Factor, Refereed Journal)
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DOI: 10.1007/s11205-017-1689-y
2018 Journal Articles Economics Department
Sidorkin, Oleg/Vorobyev, Dmitriy: Political Cycles and Corruption in Russian Regions. In: European Journal of Political Economy, 52, -, 2018, S. 55-74. (Journal with Impact Factor, Refereed Journal)
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2018 Journal Articles Economics Department

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