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Economics Department - Staff Publications

  • Year
Publication Year Type Department
Skoglund, Ekaterina: The happiness gap between transition and nontransition countries. In: IZA World of Labor, 357, 2017. (Refereed Journal)
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DOI: 10.15185/izawol.357
2017 Journal Articles Economics Department
Popova, Olga: Does religiosity explain economic outcomes?. In: IZA World of Labor, 335, Februar 2017, 2017. (Refereed Journal)
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.15185/izawol.335
2017 Journal Articles Economics Department
Selezneva, Ekaterina/Perugini, Cristiano: Labour Market Institutions, Crisis and Gender Earnings Gap in Eastern Europe. In: Economics of Transition, 23, Nr. 3 (2015), 2015, S. 517–564. (Journal with Impact Factor) 2015 Journal Articles Economics Department
Otrachshenko, Vladimir/Popova, Olga: Life (dis)satisfaction and the intention to migrate: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe. In: Journal of Socio-Economics, 48, Februar 2014, 2014, S. 40-49. (Journal with Impact Factor, Refereed Journal)
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.socec.2013.09.008
2014 Journal Articles Economics Department
Frensch, Richard: Produktdifferenzierung und Arbeitsteilung. Zunehmende Skalenerträge, externe Effekte und monopolistische Konkurrenz im Außenhandel. Heidelberg: Physica, 1993. 1993 Monographs Economics Department
Karabchuk, Tatiana/Kumo, Kazuhiro/Selezneva, Ekaterina: Demography of Russia: From the Past to the Present.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
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2017 Monographs Economics Department
Kozlov, Vladimir/Zakharov, Nikita/Kofanov, Dmitry: The Effect of COVID-19 Cash Transfers on Health and Well-being of Adolescents: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Russia. In: SSRN Preprint series, 2023. (Open Access)
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4411663
2023 Online Publication/Blog posts Economics Department
Kozlov, Vladimir: Die demographische Entwicklung Russlands. In: https://www.laender-analysen.de/russland-analysen/429/, 2022. (Open Access)
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2022 Online Publication/Blog posts Economics Department
Otrachshenko, Vladimir/Popova, Olga: Kann sich Russland den Klimawandel leisten?. In: Russland-Analysen Nr. 377, 2019. (Open Access)
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2019 Online Publication/Blog posts Economics Department
Otrachshenko, Vladimir/Popova, Olga: Can Russia Afford Climate Change?. In: Russian Analytical Digest Nr. 243, 2019. (Open Access)
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DOI: 10.3929/ethz-b-000385448
2019 Online Publication/Blog posts Economics Department
Otrachshenko, Vladimir/Popova, Olga/Tavares, Jose: Extreme weather and violence in Russia: Evidence across age and gender. In: VOX, CEPR Policy Portal, 2019. (Open Access)
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2019 Online Publication/Blog posts Economics Department
Arushev, Arsen: COVID-19 and Kazakhstan: An Overview. In: ostBLOG Spezial – Corona in Ost- und Südosteuropa, 2020 (The name Arsen Arushev is a pseudonym.). (Open Access)
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2020 Online Publication/Blog posts Economics Department
Nikolova, Milena/Nikolaev, Boris/Popova, Olga: Losing your own business is worse than losing a salaried job. In: The Brookings Institution Blog, 2020. (Open Access)
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2020 Online Publication/Blog posts Economics Department
Ivlevs, Artjoms/Nikolova, Milena/Popova, Olga: Former Communist Party membership and present-day entrepreneurship. In: VoxEU, 2020. (Open Access)
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2020 Online Publication/Blog posts Economics Department
Popova, Olga: Coronavirus in Russia: Countrywide policies and regional specifics. In: ostBLOG Spezial – Corona in Ost- und Südosteuropa, 2020. (Open Access)
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2020 Online Publication/Blog posts Economics Department

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