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Staff Publications

Listed below are the publications our staff members have produced in the context of their work at the IOS.

  • Year
  • Departments
Publication Year Type Department
Žerić, Sara: Factories Built on the Deutsche Mark. Yugoslav Gastarbeiter Investments in Creating Jobs in the Homeland. In: Čapo, Jasna/Dimova, Rozita/Jusufi, Lumnije (Hrsg.): Return Migration and its Consequences in Southeast Europe (= Südosteuropa-Jahrbuch, Bd. 47). Berlin - Bruxelles - Chennai - Lausanne - New York - Oxford: Peter Lang, 2024, S. 153-171.
DOI: 10.3726/b21831
2024 Chapters in Edited Volumes
Rutar, Sabine: Rezension zu: Borut Klabjan and Gorazd Bajc, Ogenj, ki je zajel Evropo. Narodni dom v Trstu 1920-2020 [The fire that engulfed Europe. The National House in Trieste 1920-2020.] Ljubljana: Cankarjeva založba, 2021, ISBN 9789612824846, 456 pages.. In: CEU Review of Books, 2024. (Open Access)
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2024 Online Publication/Blog posts
Rutar, Sabine: Rezension zu: Clayer, Nathalie: Une histoire en travelling de l'Albanie (1920–1939). Avec, au-delà et en-deçà de l'État. Paris 2022 , ISBN 9782811129644.. In: H-Soz-Kult, 2024. (Open Access)
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2024 Online Publication/Blog posts
Aivazishvili-Gehne, Nino: Postsowjetische orthodoxe Konflikte. Kriege und Heilige. Blog-Beitrag, 2024. (Open Access)
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2024 Other Publications
Burkhardt, Fabian: Andrej Beloussow – Russlands neuer Kriegsminister.. In: Russland-Analysen, 2024. (Open Access)
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DOI: 10.31205/RA.451.02
2024 Online Publication/Blog posts
Žerić Đulović, Sara: Croatia’s “Mercedes” Town: How Imotski Honours its Gastarbeiter Heritage. https://seeffield.app.uni-regensburg.de/croatias-mercedes-town-how-imotski-honours-its-gastarbeiter-heritage/, 2024. (Open Access)
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2024 Other Publications

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