Project Managers: Tillmann Tegeler, Birgit Riedel
From mid-November 2009 to mid-April 2012 the library's card catalogs were retro-converted by BBI - Daten Digital GmbH, a company based in Niederorla. The Alphabetical Catalog (East Europe) and the Standard Catalog (Southeast Europe) served as reference catalogs. Literature on Southeast Europe acquired before 2004 and titles pertaining to East Europe acquired before 1990 were covered by the conversion.
Initially, a total of 131,779 catalog cards (East Europe: 95,769; Southeast Europe: 36,010) were scanned. In the following, the titles were recorded in the Bavarian Library Network on the basis of the scanned cards. 49,644 new entries were made in this context. Finally, 85,574 item records were generated in the local system, more than a quarter of which was provided with local keywords. 3,412 cards could not be included because they referred to journals that were not covered by the subject of the project.
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