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Political Science Research Group - Staff Publications

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Bysol, Katheryna/Issaeva, Maria/Wittke, Cindy: Is international law “fit” to deal with Crimea?. In: Dekoder, 2019. (Open Access)
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2019 Online Publication/Blog posts Political Science Research Group
Burkhardt, Fabian: Der Fall Memorial: Ist das „Ausländische Agenten“-Gesetz reformierbar?. In: Russland-Analysen, 2021. (Open Access)
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2021 Online Publication/Blog posts Political Science Research Group
Burkhardt, Fabian/Noble, Ben/Petrov, Nikolay: Rebooting the State Council Increases Putin’s Power. In: Chatham House, 2020. (Open Access)
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2020 Online Publication/Blog posts Political Science Research Group
Cindy, Wittke: Die Verfassungsreform in Russland – »abusive constitutionalism«?. In: Russland-Analysen, 2020. (Open Access)
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2020 Online Publication/Blog posts Political Science Research Group
Cindy, Wittke: Krieg um Bergkarabach. In: dekoder - Russland Entschlüsseln, 2020 (Reprint in: RUSSLAND-ANALYSEN NR. 394 (20.11.2020)). (Open Access)
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2020 Online Publication/Blog posts Political Science Research Group
Wittke, Cindy: Ukraine und Ukrainer verstehen?. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 2020. (Open Access)
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2020 Online Publication/Blog posts Political Science Research Group
Wittke, Cindy: Lässt Peking sich einbinden?. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 2021.
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2021 Other Publications Political Science Research Group
Burkhardt, Fabian: The Framing of the "Ukraine crisis" in German political talk shows 2013- 2014 (data set). Discuss Data, 2021. (Open Access)
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DOI: 10.48320/FC59ACC8-DC90-45C1-B5D5-A2B412100028
2021 Other Publications Political Science Research Group
Bescotti, Elia: Die Rolle Transnistriens im Diskurs des Präsidentschaftswahlkampfs in der Republik Moldau. Russland-Analysen, № 394, 2020. (Open Access)
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DOI: 10.31205/R A.394.02
2020 Other Publications Political Science Research Group
Wittke, Cindy: Die unbekannten Politiken des Völkerrechts im postsowjetischen Raum. russland analysen, 2018 (S. 4). (Open Access)
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2018 Other Publications Political Science Research Group
Remler, Phillip/et. al.: OSCE Confidence Building in the Economic and Environmental Dimension: Current Opportunities and Constraints. http://www.fes-vienna.org/fileadmin/user_upload/documents/OSCE_Confidence_Building_in_EED_Full_Report.pdf, 2017. (Open Access)
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2017 Other Publications Political Science Research Group

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