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Political Science Research Group - Staff Publications

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Bescotti, Elia: The Coronavirus Emergency in the Post-Soviet Breakaway Regions [Der Coronavirus-Notstand in den postsowjetischen abtrünnigen Regionen]. In: OstBlog Spezial. Corona in Ost- und Südost Europa, 2020. (Open Access)
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2020 Online Publication/Blog posts Political Science Research Group
Bescotti, Elia: Russlands Passportisierung des Donbas. In: Dekóder, 2022. (Open Access)
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2022 Online Publication/Blog posts Political Science Research Group
Bescotti, Elia: #SOUTH OSSETIA: Closer to Russian Annexation? [#SÜDOSSETIEN: Näher an der russischen Annexion?]. In: OstBlog Spezial. Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine, 2022. (Open Access)
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2022 Online Publication/Blog posts Political Science Research Group
Wittke, Cindy: FAQ #3: NEUTRALE UKRAINE – EIN AUSWEG AUS DEM KRIEG. In: dekoder, 2022. (Open Access)
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2022 Online Publication/Blog posts Political Science Research Group
Busol, Kateryna/Koval, Dmytro: Russlands Aggression in der Ukraine: die Dokumentation der aus dem Konflikt resultierenden Verbrechen. In: Ukraine-Analysen, 2022. (Open Access)
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2022 Online Publication/Blog posts Political Science Research Group
Busol, Kateryna: If Ukraine’s Fate Is not a Menu à La Carte, then Ukrainian Voices Must Be Heard. In: EJIL:Talk! Blog of the European Journal of International Law, 2022. (Open Access)
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2022 Online Publication/Blog posts Political Science Research Group
Busol, Kateryna: Russia’s Aggression against Ukraine and the Idealised Symbolism of Nuremberg. In: EJIL:Talk! Blog of the European Journal of International Law, 2022. (Open Access)
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2022 Online Publication/Blog posts Political Science Research Group
Busol, Kateryna/Hamilton, Rebecca: Transitional Justice in Ukraine: Guidance to Policymakers. In: Just Security, 2022. (Open Access)
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2022 Online Publication/Blog posts Political Science Research Group
Busol, Kateryna: Mariupol and the Origins and Avenues of Ukraine’s Transitional Justice Process. In: Just Security, 2022. (Open Access)
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2022 Online Publication/Blog posts Political Science Research Group
Burkhardt, Fabian/Dollbaum, Jan Matti: Belarus vor dem Referendum 2022: Verfassungsreform und Protestbereitschaft. In: Belarus-Analysen, 2021. (Open Access)
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DOI: 10.31205/BA.058.01
2021 Online Publication/Blog posts Political Science Research Group
Burkhardt, Fabian: The Standoff over Constitutional Reform in Belarus Leaves the EU and Russia on Opposite Sides of the Barricades. In: Russian Analytical Digest, 2020. (Open Access)
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DOI: 10.3929/ethz-b-000446834
2020 Online Publication/Blog posts Political Science Research Group
Burkhardt, Fabian: Foolproofing Putinism, or Why Mikhail Mishustin Might Be One of the Most Ambitious Prime Ministers in Recent Russian History. In: Russian Analytical Digest, 2021. (Open Access)
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DOI: 10.3929/ethz-b-000477859
2021 Online Publication/Blog posts Political Science Research Group
Burkhardt, Fabian: Verfassungsreform in Belarus: die EU und Russland setzen auf unterschiedliche Wege aus der Krise. In: Belarus-Analysen, 2020. (Open Access)
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DOI: 10.31205/BA.052.03
2020 Online Publication/Blog posts Political Science Research Group
Wittke, Cindy: Lässt Peking sich einbinden?. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung FAZ, 2021. (Open Access)
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2021 Online Publication/Blog posts Political Science Research Group
Zawadewicz, Bogdan/Mironova, Vera: Putin Is Building a Bosnian Paramilitary Force. In: Foreign Policy, 2018. (Open Access)
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2018 Online Publication/Blog posts Political Science Research Group

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