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Political Science Research Group - Staff Publications

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Publication Year Type Department
Remler, Phillip/et. al.: OSCE Confidence Building in the Economic and Environmental Dimension: Current Opportunities and Constraints. http://www.fes-vienna.org/fileadmin/user_upload/documents/OSCE_Confidence_Building_in_EED_Full_Report.pdf, 2017. (Open Access)
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2017 Other Publications Political Science Research Group
Relitz, Sebastian/Biermann, Rafael: Raus aus dem Schatten: Stand und Perspektiven der Forschung zu De-Facto-Staaten. In: Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (ZeFKo), 6, 2, 2017, S. 206-256. (Refereed Journal) 2017 Journal Articles Political Science Research Group
Jüngling, Konstanze: Russia Under Threat? North Caucasian Foreign Fighters and Their Place in Moscow’s Legitimization Narratives. In: Rotaru, Vasile/Troncotă, Miruna (Hrsg.): Russia and the Former Soviet Space. Instrumentalizing Security, Legitimizing Intervention.: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017, S. 308–334. 2017 Chapters in Edited Volumes Political Science Research Group
Jüngling, Konstanze: Renaissance der Großmachtpolitik. Aktuelle Macht- und Interessenkonstellationen am Beispiel des Konflikts zwischen Russland und dem Westen. In: Außerschulische Bildung, 1, 2017, S. 11-18. 2017 Journal Articles Political Science Research Group
Wittke, Cindy/Murray, Christina: International Institutions, Constitution Making, and Gender. In: Irving, Helen (Hrsg.): Constitutions and Gender., 2017, S. 107-131 (Edward Elgar Research Handbook). 2017 Chapters in Edited Volumes Political Science Research Group
Jüngling, Konstanze: Themenschwerpunkt: Neue Kriege – neue Wege zum Frieden? Renaissance der Großmachtpolitik. Aktuelle Macht- und Interessenkonstellationen am Beispiel des Konflikts zwischen Russland und dem Westen. In: Außerschulische Bildung, 1, 2017, S. 11-18. 2017 Journal Articles Political Science Research Group
Jüngling, Konstanze: The Exclusion Problem and the Need for Legitimacy. In: Müller, Harald/Rauch, Carsten (Hrsg.): Great Power Multilateralism and the Prevention of War. Debating a 21st Concert of Powers. Abingdon: Routledge, 2018, S. 160-175. 2018 Chapters in Edited Volumes Political Science Research Group
Wittke, Cindy: War and Peace in the City. In: Aust, Helmut Philipp/du Plessis, Anél (Hrsg.): The Globalisation of Urban Governance. London: Routledge, 2018, S. 280.
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2018 Chapters in Edited Volumes Political Science Research Group
Wittke, Cindy: “Test the West”: Reimagining Sovereignties in the Post-Soviet Space. In: Review of Central and East European Law, 43, 1, 2018, S. 22. (Journal with Impact Factor, Refereed Journal)
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DOI: 10.1163/15730352-04301005
2018 Journal Articles Political Science Research Group
Wittke, Cindy: Law in the Twilight. International Courts and Tribunals, the Security Council and the Internationalisation of Peace Agreements between State and Non-State Parties.. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018.
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2018 Monographs Political Science Research Group
Relitz, Sebastian (Hrsg.): Obstacles and Opportunities for Dialogue and Cooperation in Protracted Conflicts. Regensburg: Leibniz-Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung, 2018. (Open Access) 2018 Edited Volumes and Special Issues Political Science Research Group
Zawadewicz, Bogdan/Mironova, Vera: Putin Is Building a Bosnian Paramilitary Force. In: Foreign Policy, 2018. (Open Access)
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2018 Online Publication/Blog posts Political Science Research Group
Bakalova, Evgeniya/Singer, Tassilo: Islands of Cooperation: A New Approach to Overcoming Geopolitical Deadlock in Europe in Small Steps. In: Islands of Cooperation, March, Wien: Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung 2018. (Open Access)
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2018 Discussion Papers Political Science Research Group
Wittke, Cindy: Die unbekannten Politiken des Völkerrechts im postsowjetischen Raum. russland analysen, 2018 (S. 4). (Open Access)
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2018 Other Publications Political Science Research Group
Wittke, Cindy/Rabinovych, Maryna: Five Years After: The Role of International Actors in the ‘Ukraine Crisis’. In: East European Politics, 33, 3, 2019, S. 259-263. (Journal with Impact Factor, Refereed Journal)
DOI: 10.1080/21599165.2019.1645012
2019 Journal Articles Political Science Research Group

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