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Economics Department - Staff Publications

  • Year
Publication Year Type Department
Otrachshenko, Vladimir/Popova, Olga: Life (dis)satisfaction and the decision to migrate: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe. In: CERGE-EI Working Paper, 460 2012.
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2046913%20
2012 Discussion Papers Economics Department
Popova, Olga: Corruption, voting and employment status: Evidence from Russian Parliamentary elections. In: CERGE-EI Working Paper, 428 2010.
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.1721446
2010 Discussion Papers Economics Department
Otrachshenko, Vladimir/Popova, Olga: Life (dis)satisfaction and the decision to migrate: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe. In: Osteuropa-Institut Working Paper, 306 2011.
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2011 Discussion Papers Economics Department
Otrachshenko, Vladimir/Popova, Olga: Life (dis)satisfaction and the decision to migrate: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe. In: FEUNL Working Paper, 570 2012.
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2176104%20
2012 Discussion Papers Economics Department
Otrachshenko, Vladimir/Popova, Olga/Tavares, Jose: Psychological costs of currency transition: Evidence from the Euro adoption. In: CEPR Discussion Paper, 11071 2016.
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2016 Discussion Papers Economics Department
Ayhan, Sinem H./Gatskova, Kseniia/Lehmann, Hartmut: The impact of non-cognitive skills and risk preferences on rural-to-urban migration: Evidence from Ukraine. In: IZA Discussion Paper, 10982, Bonn 2017.
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2017 Discussion Papers Economics Department
Gatskova, Kseniia/Ivlevs, Artjoms/Dietz, Barbara: Does migration affect education of girls and young women in Tajikistan?. In: United National University World Institute for Development Economics Research, 104, Helsinki 2017. (Open Access)
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DOI: 10.35188/UNU-WIDER/2017/328-8
2017 Discussion Papers Economics Department
Popova, Olga: Religiosity and economic policies in transition countries. In: IOS Policy Issue, 7 2015.
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2015 Discussion Papers Economics Department
Lehmann, Hartmut: Polonia: dalla transizione allo sviluppo tenendo dritta la barra delle riforme. In: Paolazzi, L./Sylos Labini, M. (Hrsg.): L’Italia al bivio: Riforme o declino: la lezione dei paesi di successo.: LUISS University Press, forthcoming, S. 235-284. 0 Chapters in Edited Volumes Economics Department
Frensch, Richard: Outsourcing und unabhängige Institutionen: Das Beispiel der Rule of Law. In: Theurl, Theresia (Hrsg.): Unabhängige staatliche Institutionen in der Demokratie, Schriften des Vereins für Socialpolitik, Neue Folge Band 337. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2013, S. 197–226. 2013 Chapters in Edited Volumes Economics Department
Frensch, Richard: Von der Plan- zur Marktwirtschaft: Die ökonomische Umgestaltung Mittelosteuropas nach dem Ende des Kommunismus. In: Müntefering, Franz (Hrsg.): Der Aufbau Ost im mittelost-europäischen Vergleich. Eine Bilanz nach 25 Jahren. Berlin: Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 2016. 2016 Chapters in Edited Volumes Economics Department
Popova, Olga/Otrachshenko, Vladimir: Religion and Happiness. In: Zimmermann, Klaus (Hrsg.): Handbook “Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics”.: Springer, 2021 (Online first).
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-57365-6_175-1
2021 Chapters in Edited Volumes Economics Department
Gebel, Michael/Gatskova, Kseniia/Karabchuk, Tatiana: Gender Differences Among Youth: Education to Job Transitions in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Tajikistan. In: Karabchuk, Tatiana/Kumo, Kazuhiro/Gatskova, Kseniia (Hrsg.): Gendering Post-Soviet Space. Demography, Labor Market and Values in Empirical Research.: Springer, 2021, S. 49-71.
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DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-9358-1_3
2021 Chapters in Edited Volumes Economics Department
Gatskova, Kseniia: Gender Wage Gap and Gender Attitudes in Ukraine. In: Karabchuk, Tatiana/Kumo, Kazuhiro/Gatskova, Kseniia (Hrsg.): Gendering Post-Soviet Space. Demography, Labor Market and Values in Empirical Research.: Springer, 2021, S. 181-194.
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2021 Chapters in Edited Volumes Economics Department
Frensch, Richard: External liberalization, specialization, and institutional change in times of globalization: The case of central, east and southeast Europe. In: Grömling, Michael/Taube, Markus (Hrsg.): Reflexionen zur Sozialen Marktwirtschaft. Marburg: Metropolis, 2020, S. 75–89. 2020 Chapters in Edited Volumes Economics Department

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