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PD Dr. Luminita Gatejel

History Department
Research Associate
  • Description
  • Publications
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Projects
  • Teachings
  • Presentations


Luminita Gatejel is a senior researcher at the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies in Regensburg. She received her PhD from the University of Tübingen in 2010 and was a Max Weber fellow at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy. She has published extensively on the history of automobility and consumption in the Eastern Bloc and on river engineering on the Danube in international peer-reviewed journals such as Slavic Review, Technology and Culture, Central European History and Cold War History. She is the author of Warten, hoffen und endlich fahren: Auto und Sozialismus in der Sowjetunion, in Rumänien und der DDR, 1956—1989/91 (Frankfurt am Main: Campus 2014).  




Gatejel, Luminita: Engineering the Lower Danube. Technology and International Cooperation in an Imperial Borderland. Budapest u. a.: Central European University Press, 2022.
More about the publication

Gatejel, Luminita/Becker, Andreas: Verkehr in der DDR.: Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Thüringen/Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 2017.

Gatejel, Luminita: Warten, hoffen und endlich fahren. Auto und Sozialismus in der Sowjetunion, in Rumänien und der DDR (1956-1989/91). Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 2014.

Edited Volumes and Special Issues

Gatejel, Luminita/Stefan, Dorondel (Hrsg.): Flowing Progress: Transforming the Danube Through Infrastructure. West Lafayette, IN, USA: Purdue University Press, 2025.

Baron, Nick/Gatejel, Luminita/Rindlisbacher, Stephan (Hrsg.): ‘Drawing The Line’: Border Commissions in Eastern Europe. Journal of Modern European History, Volume 22, Issue 1., 2024.

Journal Articles

Luminita, Gatejel: Die Trockenlegung der rumänischen Donauauen. In: Geographische Rundschau, 10, 2024. (Journal with Impact Factor, Refereed Journal)

Gatejel, Luminita: Bargaining for Humanitarian Aid Across the Iron Curtain: Western Relief Workers in Romania in the Late 1970s. In: Cold War History, 22, 2, 2022, S. 41-57 (DOI: 10.1080/14682745.2021.1923697). (Journal with Impact Factor, Refereed Journal)

Gatejel, Luminita/Grama, Adrian: Beyond Corruption? Romania’s Future after the EU Presidency. In: Südosteuropa, 67, 3, 2019, S. 421-433.

Gatejel, Luminita: Building a Better Passage to the Sea. Engineering and River Management at the Mouth of the Danube, 1829-61. In: Technology and Culture, 59, 4, 2018, S. 925-953. (Journal with Impact Factor, Refereed Journal)

Gatejel, Luminita/Fava, Valentina: East-West Cooperation in the Automotive Industry: Enterprises, Mobility, Production. In: Journal of Transport History, 38, 1, 2017, S. 11-19. (Journal with Impact Factor, Refereed Journal)

Gatejel, Luminita: A Socialist-Capitalist Joint Venture. Citroën in Romania during the 1980s. In: Journal of Transport History, 38, 1, 2017, S. 70-87. (Journal with Impact Factor, Refereed Journal)

Gatejel, Luminita: Imperial Cooperation at the Margins of Europe: The European Commission of the Danube, 1856-1865. In: European Review of History / Revue Européene d'Histoire, 24, 2017, S. 781-800. (Refereed Journal)

Chapters in Edited Volumes

Gatejel, Luminita: Die Regulierung des Eisernen Tores (1829–1896) oder wie Grenzen im Fluss überwunden wurden. In: Fata, Márta (Hrsg.): [Trennen, Verbinden, Überschreiten. Grenzen in der Habsburgermonarchie im 19. Jahrhundert]. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2023.

Gatejel, Luminita: No Alternative to the Car; or: What Remained of Socialism after 1989/91?. In: Duijzings, Ger/Tuvikene, Tauri (Hrsg.): If Cars Could Walk. Postsocialist Streets in Transformation. New York: Berghahn Books, 2023, S. 229-232.

Gatejel, Luminita/Kochanowski, Jerzy: Transport, Infrastructure and Communication. In: Borodziej,, Włodzimierz/Holubec, Stanislav/von Puttkamer, Joachim (Hrsg.): The Routledge History Handbook of Central and Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century, Volume 1,. London: Routledge, 2020, S. 129-183.

Curriculum vitae

Professional Experience
  • Researcher at the Leibniz Institute for East and South East European Studies Regensburg (on maternal leave between September 2013 and November 2014), since 2011 
  • Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute, Florence, Italy, 2009—2010 
  • PhD Student at the Berlin School for Comparative European History, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, 2006—2009 
  • Habilitation, Modern History, Universität Regensburg, Germany, 2020 
  • PhD, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, Germany, 2010 
  • M.A. in History and German, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, Germany, 2006 
  • B.A. in German and English, Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2000 
Scholarships and Awards
  • Max Weber Fellowship, European University Institute, Florence, 2009—2010 
  • PhD fellowships, Hertie Foundation, GHI Moscow, Institute for European History, Mainz, Germany, 2006—2009 



Current Projects
  • Project Leader, Contested Waterway. Governance and Ecology on the Lower Danube, funded by the Leibniz Organization, project partners: IOS, GWZO Leipzig, Central European University, New Europe College in Bucharest, the Center for Advanced Study in Sofia and the Institutes of Anthropology at the Slovenian and Romanian Science Academies, 2020—2023 
  • Researcher, Interdisciplinary Research Network, Knowledge Infrastructures: Circulation, Transfer and Translation of Knowledge across Borders, University of Regensburg, funded by the Bavarian Ministry of Education, https://www.uni-regensburg.de/citas/know-in-netzwerk/index.html, 2020—2023 


Winter term 2024/25
  • Quellen zur Geschichte der Wende und der Transformation, Übung, Universität Regensburg
Winter term 2018/19
  • Wie sollen area studies sein? Global, lokal, transnational, regional oder vergleichend? Eine methodische Einführung, Übung, Universität Regensburg
Winter term 2017/18
  • Die Habsburgermonarchie, eine Imperialgeschichte im langen 19. Jahrhundert, Proseminar, Universität Regensburg
Summer term 2017
  • Die Orientalische Frage, 1821-1923, Proseminar, Universität Regensburg
Winter term 2013/14
  • Die lange Geschichte der Wende im Ostblock, Hauptseminar, Universität Regensburg


  • Turning Wetlands into »Productive« Land. Riverbank Engineering in Interwar Romania. Konferenz: Assessing the Fluvial Anthropocene. Agency, Materiality and Culture in Eastern European Hydroscapes GWZO, Leipzig, 03.05.2024.
  • Turning Wetlands into “Productive” Land: River Bank Engineering in Interwar Romania. European Social Science History Conference Universität Göteborg, 12.04.2023.
  • Engineering the River. Technology along the Lower Danube in the Nineteenth Century. Konferenz: "The Blue Danube. Borders, Transport Arteries, and Artistic Images Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Online, 15.04.2021.
  • How to Make the Danube Navigable: A Habsburg Eighteenth-Century Debate. ASEEES Annual Convention Association for Slavic, East European, & Eurasian Studies, Zoom, 07.11.2020.
  • Die Regulierung der Unteren Donau zwischen Imperialismus und internationaler Kooperation (1856-1914). Kolloquiumsvortrag Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg – Historisches Seminar Lehrstuhl für Neuere und Osteuropäische Geschichte, Zoom, 30.06.2020.
  • Warenfluss und Wissenstransfer. Infrastrukturausbau an der Unteren Donau im 19. Jahrhundert. Tagung "Wirtschaftsgeschichten in imperialen Kontexten" (Jahrestagung des Verbandes der OsteuropahistorikerInnen (VOH)). Leibniz-Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung, Regensburg, 14.02.2020.
  • Die Geschichte der Unteren Donau zwischen Technik und Umwelt, 1853-1900. Kolloquium Neuere und Neueste Geschichte / Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte Universität Duisburg-Essen, Essen, 16.12.2019.
  • Ingenieure, technische Expertise und die Überwindung des Eisernen Tores. Jahrestagung des IdGL: Abgrenzen - Entgrenzen - Überschreiten. Vergleichende Perspektiven zu Grenzen der Habsburgermonarchie im 19. Jahrhundert Tübingen, 08.11.2019.
  • Exploring the Lower Danube: Cartographic and Commercial Expeditions of the Habsburg Monarchy in the Late-18th Century. The 12th Congress of South-East European Studies Bukarest, 03.09.2019.
  • The River as Infrastructure: Hydraulic Engineering in the Danube Delta in the Second Half of the 19th Century. ASEEES Summer Convention Zagreb, 14.06.2019.
  • Exploring the Lower Danube: Cartographic and Commercial Expeditions of the Habsburg Monarchy in the Late-18th Century. ASEEES-Kongress Boston, USA, 09.12.2018.
  • Die Geschichte der Unteren Donau. Imperialer Wettbewerb und Wissenstransfer im 19. Jahrhundert. Kolloquiumsvortrag Forschungsstelle Osteuropa, Universität Bremen, Bremen, 13.11.2018.
  • Rising like a Phoenix from the Ashes? Western Humanitarian Aid to Romania after the Earthquake 1977. Konfernez der Romanaina Studies Association Bucharest, 29.06.2018.
  • The Conquest of the Iron Gates. River Engineering at the Habsburg-Ottoman Border in the 1870s. Annual Congress Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, Chicago, 09.11.2017.
  • Overcoming the Iron Gates: European Politics and Circulation of Knowledge in the 19th Century. ENIUGH Congress ENIUGH, Budapest, 01.09.2017.

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