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Postdoc position in the field of political science

14.02.2025 Vacancies

In order to establish the Politics Department, the IOS announces the following research positions to be filled as soon as possible:

Two full-time Postdoctoral Researcher Positions (m/f/d).

The weekly working hours for postdoctoral positions are 100% of the standard working hours (TV-L, 40.1 hours per week).

Employment contracts are initially limited to three years. The salary of postdoctoral researchers is based on their personal and professional qualifications according to the TV-L (tariff agreement for the public servants of the Free State of Bavaria) up to salary group 13.

Please find a detailed description here
Please submit your application via our online application form
Closing date for applications: 28 March 2025

Contact person

Dr. Cindy Wittke

Political Science Research Group
Head of the Research Group

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