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Economic Systems: Impact Factor steigt auf 3,1

12.07.2023 IOS Publikationen

The 2022 Journal Impact Factors (IF) have recently been released in the annual Journal Citation Report, published by Clarivate Analytics. The IF for Economic Systems, the quarterly economics journal published for the IOS Regensburg, has increased from 2.31 to 3.1. That means that on average, each paper published in 2020 or 2021 in Economic Systems has been cited 3.1 times across all impact factor journals in 2022. This ranks Economic Systems well among the top 25 per cent of all IF journals in Economics, and specifically in front of other international comparative economics journals, including the Journal of Comparative Economics.


Prof. Dr. Richard Frensch

Arbeitsbereich Ökonomie
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

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