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COMPSEES 71, Nr. 2 erschienen

17.07.2023 Publikationen

Comparative Southeast European Studies 71, no. 2, 2023 is available in open access.

Caterina Preda (Bucharest) engages with the postcommunist strategies of reckoning with the past in Romania and Bulgaria in the period 1990–2020.

Hamza Karčić (Sarajevo) gives an inventory of Holocaust survivor Simon Wiesenthal’s advocacy for Bosnia during the 1992–1995 war, based on primary sources at the Simon Wiesenthal Archive in Vienna. Stef Jansen (Sarajevo) provides historical depth to recent analyses of the “Balkan Route” through Bosnia and Herzegovina with his reconstruction of the making of a border/mobility assemblage during the first two and a half decades of that state’s existence. Claudia Laštro (Graz) , Florian Bieber (Graz) and Jovana Marović (Podgorica) analyse the sociopolitical mechanisms that contributed to the 30-year predominance of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) in Montenegro that only recently came to a halt.

In the Open Section, Petru Negură (IOS) contributes a lucid essay in which he explores a collection of street interviews broadcast from March 2022 to March 2023 in the Republic of Moldova via 34 radio programmes, in which respondents voiced their opinion on the war against Ukraine and its implications for Moldova.

The issue concludes with four book reviews.

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