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Frictions: Europe, America and global Transformations - Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

Creator: Stegmann, Natali

Title: Traditionen europäischer Sozialpolitiken und deren Nicht-Berücksichtigung am Ende des Kalten Krieges

Subtitle: Eine Spurensuche entlang von Arbeit und Gender

DOI: 10.15457/frictions/0019


In an insightful essay, Natali Stegmann – associate professor of East European History at UR and co-coordinator of the ScienceCampus Research Module Towards Multi-Polar and Multi-Scalar Area Studies – analyses the longterm traditions of social policy in Central and Eastern Europe. Using the Polish trade union Solidarność (Solidarity) as her central case study, she argues that the transformations of social policy and labour relations at the end of the Cold War overlooked established ideas, including those that formed continuities between earlier decades of the twentieth century and the state-socialist period. This ultimately had a negative impact on gender relations with the labour market. This occurred, she shows, for two reasons; firstly, because of the adoption of neoliberal, Chicago School-inspired models for transformation; secondly, because of a misunderstanding of apparently “national” traditions of social and labour policy that meant progressive ideas that seemed to be inflected with “socialism” but were actually reflective of international and transnational ideas were cast aside.

Date of publication: 2022-08-12

URL: https://frictions.europeamerica.de/essay-stegmann-traditionen-europaischer-sozialpolitiken-und-deren-nicht-berucksichtigung-am-ende-des-kalten-krieges-arbeit-und-gender/

Subjects: 1989, Arbeit, Cold War, Solidarity, Solidarność, Stegmann, end of communism, gender, gender relations, internationale Organisationen, labor, labour, labour relations, longue durée

Section: Essay

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