Labour Relations, Social Protest and Violence in the Shipyard Workers' and Dockers' Milieus on Both Sides of the Italo-Yugoslav Border During the Cold War
Projektverantwortliche: Dr. Sabine Rutar
Leiter des Verbundprojekts: Dr. Jan C. Behrends, Prof. Dr. Pavel Kolář, Prof. Dr. Thomas Lindenberger
Laufzeit: April 2011 - April 2014
Forschungsprojekt im WGL-Verbundprojekt "Physical Violence and State Legitimacy in Late Socialism"
koordiniert vom Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam
The project explores the shipyard workers' and dockers' milieus in the cities of Trieste and Monfalcone (Italy), Koper and Piran (Yugoslavia/Slovenia) as well as Rijeka (Yugoslavia/Croatia) during the Cold War. One of its goals is to open up potentials for a renewed history of labour and labour movements. In the aftermath of the Second World War and until the 1970s, the Italo-Yugoslav border area was characterised by a contested border and by two strong, yet contrary communist ideologies (the Yugoslav Titoist and the Italian which had remained aligned to Stalin). In terms of its multi-ethnicity the region offers an additional apt playground for writing an entangled history of the Cold War divides.
The comparative micro study of workers' milieus on both sides of the border explores the workplace as a place of social and political life and engagements, providing for insights into the transformatory processes of Italian and Yugoslav society at their respective geographical fringes. Methodologically, the project puts democracy and dictatorship into a relationship with each other. Moments of violence - social protests, strikes and generally as a habit inherent in labour relations - stand at the centre of the research, as they focus legitimatory and ideological discourses and agendas. Discursive treatments of concepts like justice, equality, solidarity, and more generally visions of a good society in the framework of workers' self-management stand in opposition to exerted and threatened physical violence in plurifold forms, be they structurised or individual, organised or spontaneous.
erste Jahrestagung des obigen Projekts am IOS:
Physical Violence in Late Socialism: (Dis-)Entangling Statehood, Labor, and the Nation
- Violence in Late Socialist Public Spheres, Themenheft European History Quarterly 45/2 (2015).
- Koord., Il confine nordorientale. Temi e prospettive nella storiografia recente. Discussione con Pamela Ballinger, Monica Rebeschini, Gaetano Dato, Emilio Cocco e Rolf Wörsdörfer, Rubrik in Memoria e Ricerca 12 n. s./45 (2014), Themenheft "Spazio e misura. Modelli, techniche e rappresentazioni, S. 101-125.
- Containing Conflict and Enforcing Consent in Titoist Yugoslavia. The 1970 Dockworkers’ Strike in Koper (Slovenia), in: Sabine Rutar (Hg.), Violence in Late Socialist Public Spheres, Themenheft European History Quarterly 45 (2015), H. 2 (im Erscheinen)
- Prospettive di una storiografia traduttiva sulla regione adriatica nordorientale: note introduttive, in: Sabine Rutar (Koord.), Koord., Il confine nordorientale. Temi e prospettive nella storiografia recente. Discussione con Pamela Ballinger, Monica Rebeschini, Gaetano Dato, Emilio Cocco e Rolf Wörsdörfer, Rubrik in Memoria e Ricerca 12 n. s./45 (2014), Themenheft "Spazio e misura. Modelli, techniche e rappresentazioni, S. 101-104.
- Towards a Southeast European History of Labour: Examples from Yugoslavia, in: Sabine Rutar (Hg.), Beyond the Balkans. Towards an Inclusive History of Southeastern Europe, Wien, Zürich, Berlin: Lit, 2014 (Studies on South East Europe, 10), S. 325-356.
- Labor and Communism in Yugoslavia and Italy. Trieste and the Northeastern Adriatic During the Cold War (1945-1975). A Contribution to the Renewal of Workers’ History, in: Acta Histriae 18 (2010), 1-2, Koper: Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče, S. 247-274.
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