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Analyse von handels- und umweltpolitischen Maßnahmen und deren Effizienz- und Verteilungswirkungen

Researcher: Miriam Frey
Cooperation partner: Zoryana Olekseyuk (University of Duisburg-Essen)
Project Duration: February 2009 -
Keywords: Trade, Environment, Ukraine, EU, CGE

The aim of this project is to evaluate the effects of different policy options in the fields of trade and environment in Ukraine. To analyze these policies a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model is used.

The establishment of a free trade agreement (FTA) between the EU and Ukraine is the next significant step towards Ukraine’s deeper integration into the world economy. This project analyzes the potential impacts of such a policy. One of the questions answered is how much the costs of tariff elimination matter. In particular, three scenarios reflecting different means to compensate for the loss in tariff revenues are simulated. The results show that taking these costs into consideration is important indeed, because positive as well as negative welfare effects for Ukraine may occur. 

Project publication:
Frey, Miriam and Olekseyuk, Zoryana, The EU-Ukraine trade liberalization: How much do the costs of tariff elimination matter? FIW Working Paper No. 103, Vienna, February 2013.

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