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History Department - Staff Publications

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Publication Year Type Department
Brunnbauer, Ulf: „Overview: challenges of change. Economic and population growth, social and cultural transformations up to World War Two“. In: Lampe, John/Brunnbauer, Ulf (Hrsg.): [The Routledge Handbook of Balkan and Southeast European History.]. London u.a.: Routledge, 2021, S. 291-300. 2021 Chapters in Edited Volumes History Department
Brunnbauer, Ulf/Lampe, John: „Epilogue: Southeastern Europe after the Cold War“. In: Lampe, John/Brunnbauer, Ulf (Hrsg.): The Routledge Handbook of Balkan and Southeast European History. London u.a.: Routledge, 2021, S. 509-513. 2021 Chapters in Edited Volumes History Department
Brunnbauer, Ulf/Lampe, John: „Overview: communist regimes and the Greek exception“. In: Lampe, John/Brunnbauer, Ulf (Hrsg.): The Routledge Handbook of Balkan and Southeast European History. London u.a.: Routledge, 2021, S. 421-430. 2021 Chapters in Edited Volumes History Department
Brunnbauer, Ulf/Lampe, John R.: „Introductory overview: premodern borders and modern controversies“. In: Lampe, John/Brunnbauer, Ulf (Hrsg.): The Routledge Handbook of Balkan and Southeast European History. London u.a.: Routledge, 2021, S. 1-6. 2021 Chapters in Edited Volumes History Department
Lampe, John R./Brunnbauer, Ulf (Hrsg.): The Routledge Handbook of Balkan and Southeast European History. London u.a.: Routledge, 2021. 2021 Edited Volumes and Special Issues History Department
Brunnbauer, Ulf: Oil Sardines, Labour and Ruptured Histories in the Upper Adriatic: The Mirna Cannery in Rovinj since the early Twentieth century. In: Journal of Mediterranean Studies, 30, 1, 2021, S. 1-19. (Refereed Journal) 2021 Journal Articles History Department
Paul, Sebastian: A Comparison of Mediterranean Refugee Camps: The Situation of Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Greece and Italy.. In: Köz-Gazdaság - Review of Economic Theory and Policy, 15(4), Köz-Gazdaság - Review of Economic Theory and Policy, 2021, S. 220-235. (Refereed Journal, Open Access)
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2021 Journal Articles History Department
Negura, Petru: Dorina Roșca, Le grand tournant de la société moldave. «Intellectuels» et capital social dans la transformation post-socialiste, Paris: Presses de l’Inalco, 2019, 359 pp.. In: Journal of Romanian Studies, 3, 1, 2021, S. 127-131. (Refereed Journal)
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2021 Journal Articles History Department
Negura, Petru: Moldova’s Thirty-Year Search for Independence. In: Current History, 120, 828, 2021, S. 268–273. (Journal with Impact Factor)
DOI: 10.1525/curh.2021.120.828.268
2021 Journal Articles History Department
Kucher, Katharina: Abgehängt? Rentner*innen und der Zusammenbruch der Sowjetunion. In: Religion und Gesellschaft in Ost und West, 12, 2021, S. 11-13.
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2021 Journal Articles History Department
Boeckh, Katrin: Historical Network Analysis. A Local, Regional, and Global Approach to Soviet Church History. In: Rossijskij žurnal istorii Cerkvi/Russian Journal of Church History, 2, 2, 2021, S. 7-17. (Refereed Journal, Open Access) 2021 Journal Articles History Department
Brunnbauer, Ulf/Bracewell, Wendy/u.a.: „The Past, Present, and Future of Comparative History in East Central Europe and Beyond. Roundtable Discussion, 22 June 2021“. In: East Central Europe, 48, 2-3, 2021, S. 328-344. (Refereed Journal, Open Access) 2021 Journal Articles History Department
Brunnbauer, Ulf: „Flucht und Vertreibung der Deutschen aus Südosteuropa nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg: Jugoslawien, Rumänien und Ungarn im Vergleich“. In: Einsichten/ Perspektiven. Bayerische Zeitschrift für Politik und Geschichte, 1/2021, 2021, S. 76-89. 2021 Journal Articles History Department
Paul, Sebastian/Knezevic, Vedrana/Kovačić, Urška Volk: TalentMagnet Baseline Study. Interreg Danube Transnational Programme TalentMagnet, 2021. (Open Access)
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2021 Other Publications History Department
Paul, Sebastian: The Impact of Refugee Camps on the Process of Migration Towards Europe: An Assessment. Corvinus Dissertations, 2021 (PhD thesis, Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Nemzetközi Kapcsolatok Multidiszciplináris Doktori Iskola.). (Open Access)
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DOI: 10.14267/phd.2021043
2021 Other Publications History Department

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