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Economics Department - Staff Publications

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Publication Year Type Department
Gatskov, Maxim/Gatskova, Kseniia: Civil society in Ukraine. In: Veira-Ramos, Alberto/Liubyva, Tetiana/Golovakha, Ievhenii (Hrsg.): Ukraine in Transformation. From Soviet Republic to European Society.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, S. 123-144.
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DOI: https://doi. org/10.1007/978-3-030-24978-6
2019 Chapters in Edited Volumes Economics Department
Selezneva, Ekaterina: The Chinese in Russia: friends or foes? Investment strategies and migration patterns between neighbours. In: Sanfilippo, Marco/Weinar, Agnieszka (Hrsg.): Chinese Migration and Economic Relations with Europe.: Routledge, 2015, S. 175-197.
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2015 Chapters in Edited Volumes Economics Department
Pompei, Fabrizio/Selezneva, Ekaterina: Education Mismatch and Youth Labour Force Status in Europe. In: Caroleo, Floro Ernesto/Demidova, Olga/Marelli, Enrico (Hrsg.): Young People and the Labour Market. A Comparative Perspective, 1st Edition.: Routledge, 2018, S. 266 (Herausgeber 4: Marcello Signorelli).
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2018 Chapters in Edited Volumes Economics Department
Doblinger, Claudia/Birthe, Soppe/Huber, Stephan: Converging Logics: Coopetitive Ties and Innovation in the Early Clean Transportation Industry. In: Atinc, Guclu (Hrsg.): Academy of Management Proceedings., 2019, S. 2151-6561. (Open Access)
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2019 Chapters in Edited Volumes Economics Department

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