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Classroom Instead of Lecture Hall: IOS Cooperates with Donau-Gymnasium

19.12.2024 IOS Projects Knowledge Transfer

The IOS goes to school - as part of a new project in research communication: since this school year, the institute has been cooperating with the Donau-Gymnasium Kelheim. Researchers are giving talks at the school and offering workshops on research topics that correspond to the content of the curriculum and have been selected together with teachers. The first event saw IOS historian Edvin Pezo introduce the Institute, followed by a lecture by Peter Mario Kreuter on nation- and state-building in south-eastern Europe in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The topics of the other joint events in the school year will be the war against Ukraine, statebuilding using the example of Croatia and 80 years since the end of the Second World War. Pupils receive first-hand knowledge from renowned experts, while the IOS also hopes to gain valuable impetus through direct contact with a young audience.

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