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IOS Recognized as a Apprenticing Facility

16.04.2024 Ausbildung IOS

The IOS is now also recognized as a apprenticing facility. The Regensburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) has already issued a corresponding certificate, and recognition by the responsible FaMI body has also been granted. The IOS will offer two vocational training programs in the future: one for Media and Information Services Professionals (Fachangestellte*r für Medien- und Informationsdienste, FaMI) specializing in libraries, and another for Office Management Specialists (Kaufmann*-frau für Büromanagement) in administration.

The FaMI training program will start as early as September 2024, and applications are welcome until March 31, 2024. The training at the IOS special library, with its focus on Eastern and Southeastern Europe, is unique in this form in Bavaria. Expected in 2025, a commercial training program will also be offered for the first time. The IOS - especially the trainers - wants to fulfill its social responsibility and counteract the shortage of skilled workers.

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